TopCashBack Valentines Treats Giveaway All Clues And Answers

Top Cashback

TopCashBack Valentines Treats!

TopCashBack (TCB) are back with another ‘Treat’ game this February – TopCashBack Valentines Treats! They have done this previously with Christmas, Summer, Hallowe’en, Christmas, Travel Treats, Easter Treats and Sweet Treats. Every day they will reveal clues and you have to guess the retailer they relate to. Click on the correct retailer to see the TCB Hummingbird appear. Click on the Hummingbird and you can win a treat! It could be instant cashback into your account or a prize-draw entry.

The Prize Board


Mega Prize Draw

The prizes  are available to everyone and you can still win FREE money for doing very little. It has started today (5th February, 2018) and runs until the treasure hunt is over. As well as the prizes above, there is the MEGA PRIZE DRAW worth £1,000 ! Check back here and enter these answers into TopCashBack to win!


Day 1 = Ernest Jones I won 1 x Teddy Bear (I need 3 more to win £100 Cashback)
Day 2 = – I won 1 x Prize Draw Entry
Bonus = Expedia – I won 1 x Present (I need 3 more to win £10 Cashback)
Day 3 = John Greed Jewellery – I won 1 x PDE
Day 4 = Clinique – I won 1 x PDE
Day 5 = – I won 1 x PDE
Day 6 = Now TV – I won 1 x Roses (I need 3 more to win £20 Cashback)
Day 7 = – I won 1 x PDE
Day 8 = Snapfish – I won 1 x Heart Balloon (I need 2 more to win 50p)
Day 9 = EuroOffice – 1 won 1 x Hearts (I need 2 more to win £1)
Day 10 = Nasty Gal – 1 won 1 x Love Letter (I need 2 more to win £5)

Check back here tomorrow if you need help with tomorrow’s clue for the TopCashBack Valentines Treat Giveaway. If you are having any problems getting the right answer, let me know in the comments below and I will help out 🙂

The Reverend’s Tip

Check out the ‘Trending’ section on the TopCashBack homepage to see what other people are clicking on, it might help you get the answer or even find a bonus Treat!



    1. Hi Caz,

      Its always good to try – I think I’ve won 25p but thats about it! But I keep on going and maybe I’ll win big one day.


      The Reverend

  1. Seems like Quidco has a competition too for Valentine’s day and thought the clues were for H. Samuel and House of Fraser but neither brought up a chance to win a prize so not sure if it is working yet

    1. Hello Charlotte,

      I have now added this for today’s answer. I got a PDE. Yawn! I don’t think I’ll win any big prizes this time!


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Rizzo,

      “Tell me More, Tell me More”

      I think these are just random prizes in the treasure hunt. I’ve tried both and nothing has appeared so I wont add them as bonuses to my main list but people can check them if they want 🙂


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Faz,

      I think thats just one of the Random ones that appear. Nothing came up for me 🙂


      The Reverend

  2. Most likely random. I got 1 rose from LookFantastic.

    If it is a random drop, I have received 3 so far in 3 days from the red hot offers and latest offers.

    1. Hello Andrew,

      I think this must be one of the random ones as nothing came up for me. Maybe it will work for someone else?


      The Reverend

  3. Sometimes you have to reload the page, I discovered this is more often the case on the sites that are ‘trending ‘

    1. H Ghulam,

      I think that is just one of the random ones that appears but maybe it will work for someone else.


      The Reverend

      1. Jools,

        Wowzers! When are you planning on retiring with that fortune?!!! 😀

        I usually win 10p but I haven’t so far. Fingers crossed I get that massive windfall!


        The Reverend

    1. Morning Pgbenson,

      Usually you beat me to the answer but this morning it was loaded up before you posted! 😀

      Its rare that I’m so quick in the morning.


      The Reverend

  4. Loving these hints… do try and guess first before checking here. Has anyone actually won more than a few pence on these competitions? I keep hoping for enough to buy a bottle of wine .. but onle ever won 10p max

    1. Hi Should_be_working,

      I’ve not won more than 25p I think. Within the first week I think over 30% of the prize money had gone so I assume some people just spend all day, every day clicking away. Click-Click-Click!

      Thats not for me. If I’m lucky enough to win any ‘big money’ I’ll be sure to blog about it…but I’ve not seen much from people who have won.

      at 25p per competition and maybe 4 competitions a year, in about 4 years you’ll be able to buy a cheap bottle of plonk from Aldi!


      Good Luck in the treasure hunt.

      The Reverend

        1. Hi Dave,

          Its now over, so I don’t think anyone is going to get any more treats. A very short competition this month.


          The Reverend

  5. This competition was rather odd for me, the only ‘items’ I got were 3 heart balloons, which I got in the first 3 days, winning me 50p, every other prize was a PDE, so all in all did ok (usually get at least 10p) so did better this time, despite not getting any other items. It’s quite fun to do, and you never know, SOMEONE must win more lol

    1. Hi Gaynor,

      I’m very surprised by how short this treasure hunt was. Glad you won 50p – I got nothing this time.


      The Reverend

  6. Just to add, I only do the daily clues, and any sites that I’m actually buying stuff on, I can never be bothered to randomly click around.

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