Virgin Red Competition – Startup September

Virgin Red Competition – Startup September

Virgin Red are back with another competition – Startup September! There are a number of prizes you can win by taking part everyday. There could also be bonus codes given out which can increase your points so keep an eye out for them on the Virgin Red twitter feed and facebook page. Check back here every day to find the latest Virgin Red Vault Competition Answers. You can also see the bonus codes I’ve found below!

Take Part


For an easy 50 points use my invite code IDTLD3 when you download the app.

Download from –

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The Prizes

This month the vault prizes for the Startup September are;-

  • Vault 1 – Win 1 of 50 Charging Cables
  • Vault 2 – 500 Day Pass Virgin Gym
  • Vault 3 – Win 1 of 2 Touchscreen Notebooks
  • Vault 4 – Win 1 of 10 Overnight Stays
  • Vault 5 – Win £1500 Virgin Holidays Voucher
  • Vault 6 – Win 40k Flying Club miles
  • Vault 7 – The VIP Vault – 1 of 10 Mystery Prizes


Day 1 – This or That25pts
– “BEARDPOOSEPT18” – 50pts
Day 2 – This or That25pts
Day 3 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Beards | Q2, Lee | Q3, CALM – 50pts
Day 4 – This or That – 25pts
Day 5 – This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell 50pts
Day 6 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Moisturiser | Q2, £19.99 | Q3, £15 – 50pts
Day 7 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 8 – This or That 25pts
Day 9 – This or That – 25pts
Day 10 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Pearl Shell Earings | Q2, Mexico City | Q3, 462 4225 (changed the answer 50pts
Day 11 – This or That – 25pts
Day 12 – This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell 50pts
Day 13 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Cross Earrings | Q2, Left | Q3, Pearl50pts
Day 14 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 15 – This or That 25pts
Day 16 – This or That 25pts
Day 17 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Virgin Money | Q2, Flying Club Miles | Q3, 140050pts
Day 18 – This or That 25pts
Day 19 – This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell 50pts
Day 20 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Lily Plant | Q2, Sainsburys | Q3, No Way Impossible50pts
Day 21 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 22 – This or That 25pts
Day 23 – This or That 25pts
Day 24 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, 2017 | Q2,  25kg | Q3, 8 hours50pts
Day 25 – This or That 25pts
Day 26 – This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell 50pts
Day 27 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, All The Above | Q2, All The Above  Laptops (they changed the answer again!) | Q3, 30,00050pts
Day 28 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 29 – This or That 25pts
Day 30 – This or That 25pts

Check back here tomorrow if you need help with the quiz. If you are having any problems getting the right Virgin Red Competition – Startup September quiz answers, let me know in the comments below and I will help out 🙂

The Reverend’s Tips

Check out this link to my blog page with all my hints and tips!

Virgin Red Hints, Tips & Bonus Points

Previous Virgin Red Competitions


Virgin Red August Competition – Date Night

Virgin Red July Competition – Happy 2nd Birthday



    1. Thanks, Kevin – another 50pts sorted!

      1225 to go to VIP! Sharing and profile pic done for another month lol

      Has anyone on here had any of the big prizes so far? I managed to get a free Bella Italia main course but that’s been about it in the past few months.

      1. Hi Alan,

        In the comments on some of the other blog posts people have said they’ve won stuff. I’ve not seen anyone say they’ve won the 40k air miles though…a few people have said they have won sparkling wine, sunglasses, drinks, and food, so there have been some actual winners.

        I tend to only get the ‘meals for £5’ or BOGOFF pizza … no freebies for me! 😀


        The Reverend

        1. Haha thanks – if anyone deserved the 40k miles or VIP vault it’s you! Here’s hoping this month might be your lucky month 🙂

          1. Hi Alan,

            Thats nice of you to say. I have my fingers and toes crossed each month, just in case! 😀


            The Reverend

        2. Hello Reverend, I have been entering these competitions for a long while now but not won anything.
          I managed to get to last vault as well on couple of occasions but no luck.
          Thanks for your help though.

    1. I didn’t get mine until about 16:30 – all the gym passes were long gone! I did have a quiz this morning, did anyone else have that?

      1. Hi Michelle,

        I tried about 11am and they had all gone. I guess people with multiple verified virgin accounts would get them before anyone else.

        The quiz is a ‘left over’ from last month so you’ll find the answers there. I think they were £4, 1985, Jeffersonville (or something like that).


        The Reverend

    1. Hi Lisa,

      It is a strange brand name and being a beard-wearer I think they are going for a play on words of Shampoo…but it just doesn’t sound good!

      Great to hear you are racing through the vaults! You’ll be in the VIP Vault before you know it.


      The Reverend

  1. Well I missed the VIP vault last month by 25 pts despite booking the cheapest single tckt I could find on Virgin Trains…… did work but took 10 days to verify so my 250 points are in this months running total. I will probably miss it again needing as of today 1225 points

    1. Hi Lisa,

      There is still plenty of the month left – who knows if there will be some more bonus codes.



      The Reverend

        1. I did Preston to Lancaster kids ticket and it worked. Just took a few days to come through (try different dates too to find cheapest)

    2. Wow I thought I was doing well needing 1500! Not sure what else I can do now as don’t want a credit card or a gym membership lol

  2. Have queried question 1 of quiz as Madonna is also wearing a silver cross earing but no option to choose both – so maybe reset

    1. Hi Mick,

      The ended up changing question 3 – but the quiz hasn’t reset for me so no additional 50 points for my total!



      The Reverend

    1. Hi JohnT,

      They haven’t reset the quiz – I got all the questions right before so maybe they’ve finally caught on to that trick!



      The Reverend

  3. Answer to quiz question 3 is: 4225 – my bad Virgin Red accepted my first answer then changed it sorry for any confusion.

    1. Hi Mick,

      No problems – I guess Virgin Red noticed lots of people getting double points when they mess up the quizzes!

      My answers in the app were showing correct but they weren’t the option I chose. I will check it later incase they do update it.


      The Reverend

  4. If you buy a train ticket to get the 250 points, do you then get an additional 250 point every month without having to buy further train tickets?

    1. Hi Dan. I am a Virgin Trains customer. Some months I buy tickets. Some months I don’t. But I always get the 250 monthly points.
      Hope this helps
      Chris .

    1. Hi Caroline,

      If it follows the pattern, the next ‘Show & Tell’ should be added tomorrow.



      The Reverend

      1. I was sure they were more often than 7 days. I was wrong though, I had a look through your previous monthly blogs and checked.
        Ah well, I was just trying to build my points up quicker. 😀
        Thank you Reverend.

        1. Hi Caroline,

          At the end of the month I tend to get a lot of comments from people who want to know whether they’ll get into the VIP vault or not. Due to Virgin Red repeating the same pattern its easy to work out what points you’ll get from their ‘standard’ offerings. Obviously, if they give out bonus codes then it helps everyone.



  5. Is it me or is it getting more difficult to have any chance of getting to the VIP tile? I do the This/That daily, the quizzes, the show/tells and the Friday bonus from which I won the only thing I’ve won so far having started doing this last November, that being a copy of Niall Horan’s album! I share the five times that I can that I’ve done a competition and I update my pic monthly. All this but as of today the 12th of September I only have 1300 points and need a further 1200 between now and the end of the month to get to the VIP Vault.

    I get 500 points each month, 250 from buying tix like a couple of times a year from Virgin West Coast and being signed up to Virgin Atlantic. Like many I lost the East Coast points when Virgin lost the franchise. Virgin broadband isn’t the cheapest, their gyms certainly aren’t though I do wonder if you were to sign up fro a free trial should they have any then cancel before any money comes from your account if you still get your points, and as for credit cards they’re the devil’s children and never again though these days to get one you need to be pretty much in a position that you don’t need one in the first place.

    1. Hi Dorothy,

      I don’t think they want everyone getting into the VIP Vault every month. It is supposed to be for ‘the few’ rather than ‘the many’.

      I know they used to give out bonus points all the time in codes but now they appear less and less. Thats probably a concious decision by the Virgin Red team to reduce the number of people getting into the VIP vault.


      The Reverend

  6. I agree with Dorothy’s comment, I’m verified with three Virgin partners and am scraping into the VIP vault in the last day of each month. I do everything that’s possible to earn points, slightly worried about my Red obsession, lol!! I’ve never won a single thing, does anyone know how many subscribers the app has?

  7. Dorothy, you shouldn’t lose the points from being signed up with virgin east coast trains as they announced when they lost the contract that they would honour the monthly points until June 2019 – I still get mine every month

  8. Hi Reverend
    Just a silly thing but just thought I’d let You know that today’s This and That & the Quiz answers are showing as 10th Sept not the 13th just Incase it confuses people.

    1. definitely not, no. There has only been one code in the last 3 months i think? A while ago they used to release numerous codes per month!

    1. I get VIP pretty much every month. Registered with a lot of virgin products apart from active that gives you a load of points at the start of the month.

  9. I’m on 2000 points today, 500 points off VIP, am verified with everything except virgin active (just through everyday choices not because of Red) so starts the month with 1000 points and do all the extra bits like refer a friend and change profile pic. I don’t do the auctions though. So far i’ve missed one This or That in September but have picked up all other points available, plus the quiz from end of last month because I opened August vip vault about 6 days before month end. So basically there have been 975 points available this month in the app. Seems like it’s designed so you can’t make VIP unless you are verified with three companies minimum, maybe four depending on the month and bonus codes.

    1. Hi Susan,

      I think they are trying to make the VIP Vault more ‘exclusive’. The danger of doing that is people might feel alienated and give up.

      But it is a free app, and people can take part/not take part as they seem fit.

      I think you’ll make the VIP vault with plenty of points spare if you need them.


      The Reverend

      1. Thanks so much for your tips !! My poor mum just received 5 random notifications that I’d won points which netted me another 125 points !!! 925 away from VIP vault !! Lol !

    1. I’m getting 6 days left.

      1 x Quiz (50pts)
      1 x Flash Friday (25pts)
      6 x This or That (150pts)
      1 x Show and Tell (50pts)

      = 275pts

      Well thats my maths?

      You should be ok.


      The Reverend

  10. I need 425. Not going to make VIP this month.

    I’m verified Trains and Air. Any other inexpensive ways to be verified that will earn a good amount of monthly points?

    How long after you enter a contest before you hear if you’ve won?


    1. Hi Carol,

      I think they are the two ‘easy’ ones. All the others involve a subscription.

      Have you done the ‘shares’ (3 x 25 points)?


      The Reverend

  11. 250 points to go in 4 days unless they release a hgh score code I will remain locked out of the elusive VIP vault which is becoming increasingly exclusive and perhaps elitist, providing room for only the wealthy. This could be first month since start I will have been shunned by Red. A wing and a prayer is all I have left

    1. Hi Mick,

      I fear you might be right. This month has been the hardest VIP Vault to get into by far. Some months I’ve been in there by the middle of the month!

      It could just be they are slowing things down before a big XMAS vault competition in December. Fingers crossed thats it.


      The Reverend

  12. Hello everyone.

    I’ve just received 250 extra points for being verified with virgin media. And I didn’t think I’d get them.

    My partner has a virgin media account. All the home packages and a mobile phone. She is on virgin red and has verified her account. So she gets the monthly points or being verified. Recently I moved my mobile number to virgin as the deal was a far better one than the one I was on. And there was extra discount for moving it across to her account.

    So I don’t have a virgin media account but I do have a virgin media SIM card and number in my phone.

    But I thought what the heck and tried to register – i left the account number field empty. And it thought about it and suddenly I was verified.

    Maybe it shouldn’t have worked. Maybe it’s a fluke. Maybe a payg sim would work for you. I don’t know, i wanted to share as I’ve had much help here over the years. And like many I’m always borderline for the VIP.

    Good luck


    1. Hi Chris,

      Thats a new one! Hopefully it will help other people who are looking to get verified at other Virgin companies.


      The Reverend

    1. Good Morning Mick,

      I’m still fast asleep at midnight so you beat me again! 😀

      I’ve added the answers to today’s update.


      The Reverend

  13. Good morning Reverend
    I am a bit of a night owl (or maybe a guilty conscience!!!!)
    I did actually mess up second question on quiz today – so have distanced myself even further from the golden VIP lounge
    But no worries we can’t all be winners I did the honurable thing and provided the correct ones. Have a good one

    1. Morning

      Not sure if the quiz has changed but the answers now are:-

      All the above

      I put “all the above” for Q2 and it marked me wrong!

      Oh well, way off this month anyhow

      1. Hi Darren,

        I think they messed up again and changed the question.

        I’ll update the original post.


        The Reverend

    2. Hi Mick,

      Ian (above in the comments) suggests contacting them via the app to see whether they can re-set the quiz for you to take again. Might be worth a shot.


      The Reverend

      1. Hi Amee,

        Looks like they changed the questions.

        I got 3/3 even though it is now telling me one of my answers are wrong.

        They messed up again.


        The Reverend

    1. Hi Plugster,

      Looks like they changed the questions.

      I got 3/3 even though it is now telling me one of my answers are wrong.

      They messed up again.


      The Reverend

  14. If you DM Virgin Red through their app they will credit you points where they have made a mistake with the quiz. They seem to be making a few misteaks recently

  15. The answer to Question 2 today is laptops and not all of above. Meant I only got 2 out of 3 answers in quiz. Bang goes 50 points!

    1. Hi Elaine,

      Looks like they changed the questions.

      I got 3/3 even though it is now telling me one of my answers are wrong.

      They messed up again.


      The Reverend

  16. Q2 wrong. Laptop only. NOT all the above, even though all the above would work the website says laptop only…..

    1. Hello Peter,

      Looks like they changed the questions.

      I got 3/3 even though it is now telling me one of my answers are wrong.

      They messed up again.


      The Reverend

  17. Hiya
    I did contact them and they obviously changed it, but it seems to have created a bit of a storm for those between the 2 answers. Wish Virgin could nail down more decisive question rather than ones open to interpretation as this is not the first time and believe me they look different at 1 in the morning. However,. I am down to 125 with 3 days left so maybe a slim chance of getting in

    1. Hi Mick,

      There should be

      3 x 25 pts (this or that)
      1 x 25 pts (Flash Friday)

      So I think there is 100 points there. Have you done the sharing from inside the app?

      They have had a few changes to the quiz early doors. The comments on here says that people get annoyed that I have the wrong answers up but if I’ve ever got the answers wrong myself, I have put the correct answers up. I could put the answers up later in the day (after Virgin Red have fixed the wrong answers!) but I think people like getting the answers in early – I know I do.


      The Reverend

  18. Hiya Reverend
    Yes I done sharing from inside app. I am informed by Virgin that there will be a quiz on Sunday this week which should increase the chances for more people. With regards putting in answers early I think as long a they are correct at the time it is absolutely fair. If they are queried later what else can you do but change them. As stated Red need to provide questions that only have one answer. I suggested they could also balance a small monkey on the minimate but the all the literature and pictures seemed to suggest it was used for laptops. Even though I got answer wrong at first I obviously provided you with correct as supplied by Virgin at the time. I think you provide great service and hopefully will not be affected by those making disparaging comments

  19. Hiya Reverend
    Yes I have done sharing from inside app. I have been informed by Virgin that they are releasing a quiz for Sunday which should give more people the chance of completing. With regards early entry I think if answers provided at the time are correct it is absolutely fair, if they change later all you can do is update. In truth, as stated earlier Virgin need to provide definitive questions. When I contacted them I suggested you could balance a small monkey on the minimate but all the literature snd pictures appeared to suggest only laptops I think you provide a great service and hope you will not be put off by those more dissenting voices.

    1. Hi Katy,

      Virgin Red changed the answers after I did the quiz. You’ll see there are some screenshots in the comments of my VR page showing I got 3/3 even though it now has the answer as incorrect.

      Someone in the comments has recommended messaging the Virgin Red team through the app to see if they can do anything for you. This might or might not work but could be worth a try.


      The Reverend

  20. First month I’m not going to make it into the VIP vault – I’m 75 points off! Guessing I’ve missed something this month as it’s normally quite easy. Oh well!

    1. Hi Hope,

      I think they have been making the VIP Vault slightly harder to get into this month. A few people have said they will only just scrape through.


      The Reverend

      1. I’ve done everything and got all possible points but still 75 points short. Verified with VA, VT and VM. Guess the VIP vaults are now only for those taking the full monty!

        1. Hi Mike,

          I guess so – I’m sure they have been getting harder to get into over the past couple of months.

          They probably want people to promote their codes more – Sharing the Virgin Red app with their friends. This will then make it harder to win stuff but better for Virgin Red.

          Hopefully we will see some better prizes over the next couple of months leading to an great Christmas competition.


          The Reverend

  21. Finally managed to scrape through……… don’t half miss that 31 day month………here is hoping October maybe easier with 31 days……….sad to see that Mick appears to have been mislead as no quiz has appeared as of yet today. I was hoping for a helping hand next month.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Good to hear you made it through.

      What is strange is that usually the quiz stays there until the next quiz so the fact that the quiz is missing from the tiles suggests that maybe they are actually going to put a new quiz up today.


      The Reverend

  22. Hi
    Have been in touch with Virgin as still need 25 points to complete and was informed there was a quiz today. Was told to refresh app which did nothing and I understand it is now being checked by technical team – so keep an eye on app today. Will let you know if I hear anything else. Good luck to alll

  23. Disappointed. I knew I couldn’t make the VIP vault this month. 225 short, so I saved quiz from 27th, but now it’s showing as DONE. So I couldn’t complete on the first of October to get a head start.

    1. Hi Carol,

      I think when they changed the answers they’ve locked everyone out. You could try messaging the Virgin Red team through the app but my guess is that they wouldn’t do it in time for tomorrow.


      The Reverend

  24. I’ve bought a train ticket on virgin website and registered for an account but when I go to verify it say info missing ?? Any help apprieciated

    1. Hi Alex,

      I’m not verified for Virgin Trains. I think it has to be a particular line.

      There will be someone else in the comments who can help you out.



      The Reverend

    2. Hi Alex,

      I’m not verified for Virgin Trains. I think it has to be a particular line.

      There will be someone else in the comments who can help you out.



      The Reverend

  25. Hiya All

    Have just contacted Virgin again and no reply received but 25 points awarded and have just made it in to VIP vault. I feel annoyed that I have relayed confusing info to people over the last few days. If you have had similar issue I advise contacting them directly. My apologies for anyone mislead by my messages.

    1. Hi Mick,

      With the Virgin Red team I’m not sure they know what they are doing yet?!!!!

      I’m glad you made it in the VIP Vault.



      The Reverend

  26. UPDATE
    Below is message I have just received from Virgin Red:

    Virgin Red Support (Virgin Red Support)

    30 Sep, 17:20 UTC

    Hi Mick,

    We’ve gone ahead and awarded 25 points to your account. We’re working hard on a fix for the bug, be sure to keep an eye out for any updates.



  27. Well done Mick……..I may just now try……… your increasing my broadband/tv package in Nov I fully expect to be entered into the VIP vault every month…or I go to Sky! 🙂

  28. I’m feeling a little bereft this month as I’m verified with three companies and didn’t hit the VIP this month – I’m 100 short! I think I might have missed a this or that, however that would only be 25 short, it’s getting really hard to get into VIP.

    1. Michelle, I was exactly the same, and didn’t miss anything….and hard to get extra points with example virgin west coast when we live on the east coast

    1. Good Morning Mick!

      I’ve added these for today but I get the feeling they will get a lot of complaints over Q2. Due to this I’ve put a disclaimers on my blog as I think this might get reset. Not a great start to the month!


      The Reverend

  29. Hiya Reverend
    I agree, was hoping this month was not going to be a replay of September fiasco. I did leave it until daylight to submit to see if anything had been questioned. So I think responsibility lies with Virgin Red. Have a good day

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