Virgin Red Competition – Do It At Dusk

Virgin Red Competition – Do It At Dusk

Virgin Red are back with another competition – Do It At Dusk! There are a number of prizes you can win by taking part everyday. There could also be bonus codes given out which can increase your points so keep an eye out for them on the Virgin Red twitter feed and facebook page. Check back here every day to find the latest Virgin Red Vault Competition Answers. You can also see the bonus codes I’ve found below!

Take Part


For an easy 50 points use my invite code IDTLD3 when you download the app.

Download from –

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The Prizes

This month the vault prizes for the Do It At Dusk are;-

  • Vault 1 – Win a Murder Mystery Break
  • Vault 2 – Win 1 of 5 £100 Virgin Experience Days Voucher
  • Vault 3 – Win 1 of 5 Country Escapes
  • Vault 4 – Win 1 of 100 Bottles of Fizz
  • Vault 5 – Win 1 of 150 Pairs of Odeon Cinema Tickets
  • Vault 6 – Win 40k Flying Club miles
  • Vault 7 – The VIP Vault – 1 of 10 Mystery Prizes


Day 1 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, All the Above | Q2, 6 | Q3, All the Above – 50pts (Virgin Red Changed Question 2)
Day 2 – This or That25pts
Day 3 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell – 50pts
Day 4 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Both | Q2, Matte Grey | Q3, Vegan Water Sachet – 50pts
Day 5 – This or That25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 6 – This or That25pts
Day 7 – This or That25pts
Day 8 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Car | Q2, Lemon | Q3, Playground – 50pts
Day 9 – This or That25pts
Day 10 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell – 50pts
250pts (Thanks Mick from my comments for this code)
Day 11 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, All The Above | Q2, 1987 | Q3, February – 50pts
Day 12 – This or That25pts / Flash Friday –25pts
Day 13 – This or That25pts
Day 14 – This or That25pts
Day 15 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, 20% | Q2, 2D | Q3, Hell Yes! 50pts
Day 16 – This or That25pts
Day 17 – This or That (CODE = TOT1710) – 25pts / Show and Tell – 50pts
Day 18 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, 5 Minutes | Q2, Health Report | Q3, Both 50pts
Day 19 – This or That25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 20 – This or That25pts
Day 21 – This or That – 25pts
Day 22 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, £1o | Q2, All of the Above | Q3, No You Don’t 50pts
BONUS CODE = GHOST – 150pts (taken from Virgin Games Facebook Page)
Day 23 – This or That – 25pts
= WITCH – 50pts (take from Virgin Red Twitter)
BONUS CODE = Halloween special – 500pts (taken from Virgin Games website)
Day 24 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell – 50pts
= Haunted – 150pts (taken from the Virgin Red App – Virgin Games Tile)
Day 25 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, Bow-tie | Q2, Trees | Q3, Little Worms 50pts
= Treat – 25pts (taken from Virgin Games website)
Day 26 – This or That25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
= Spider – 250pts (taken from Virgin Games Facebook Page)
Day 27 – This or That – 25pts
= Halloween Roulette – 250pts (taken from Virgin Games website)
Day 28 – This or That 25pts
= Ghouls – 25pts (taken from ‘This and That’ in the Virgin Red App)
Day 29 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers : Q1, £666 | Q2, Virgin Games | Q3, Halloween Roulette 50pts
BONUS CODE = SCARY – 500pts (taken from Virgin Red Twitter)
Day 30 – This or That – 25pts
= VLAD666150pts (taken from Virgin Red Twitter)
Day 31 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell – 50pts
Fancy Dress –  (take from Virgin Red Facebook)

Check back here tomorrow if you need help with the quiz. If you are having any problems getting the right Virgin Red Competition – Do It At Dusk quiz answers, let me know in the comments below and I will help out 🙂

The Reverend’s Tips

Check out this link to my blog page with all my hints and tips!

Virgin Red Hints, Tips & Bonus Points

Previous Virgin Red Competitions


Virgin Red August Competition – Date Night

Virgin Red July Competition – Happy 2nd Birthday



  1. Hi Rev thank you for this fantastic blog I read it for the first time last week. I’ve just entered your invite code and gained myself 50 points.

    If anyone would like to use my invite code it is SNZSC6

    Thanks again

    1. Hi Mick,

      I knew they would change it! Not a great start to the month!

      I’ve updated my blog post to reflect this.


      The Reverend

  2. How many verifications do you need to get into the VIP vault each month? I currently have 2 verified + picking up the east coast points still so 750 points.

    1. Hi Charlotte,

      A Good question! I’m not sure but I think 3 gives you a better chance. This has given me thought of doing a new post about the points required to get into VIP.


      The Reverend

      1. I think as you said last month the VIP Vault is for the few not the many and increasingly so as even with 3 verified accounts many I’m hearing are missing out by around 50 points. This will put people off. Virgin Trains is the one most of us have as it was through having that app/account we found out about Virgin Red in the first place. This along with through your advice of signing up for Virgin Atlantic because it costs nothing to do so. But as for the other three well there are cheaper and more extensive broadband options out there with many being quite okay with what Freeview offers us on the TV front. In terms of gyms there are definitely cheaper. In fact are there any more expensive than private gyms used by A listers? So what do you have left other than Virgin Money. Great years ago when credit cards were offered out willy nilly but today unless your credit score is verging on 4 figures forget it. Virgin are notorious for declining applications. Balance transfers are a great idea if you have the bank balance of Mr Lewis. For the rest of us…

        Seems no movement on any of their other companies joining the list. Again unless you can join with no financial cost like Atlantic then there are cheaper places to buy books, wine, music, the list goes on

        1. Hi Dorothy,

          It is a free competition though, and everyone can get into at least 5 of the 7 vaults with no additional cost. I think the Virgin Red team realised that they were getting too many people into the VIP Vault for previous months so started tightening it up.

          There is a part of me hoping that the Virgin Red app goes ‘big’ for Christmas with lot sof points, vaults and prizes for everyone to win.

          Don’t forget they do also give out free pizza, free meals, vouchers off food, and offer offers – all for free. Its certainly not perfect but it is still fun (well I think it is, anyway!).


          The Reverend

  3. Anyone bought the latest iPhone? My Virgin Red app won’t open at all now so might be out of the competition altogether 🙁

    1. Hi Russell,

      Mine is working fine. Try deleting the app from the phone and re-downloading it.



      The Reverend

  4. Not sure if I have a bug? I’m verified with Virgin Atlantic, and Virgin trains and still getting the points from East coast (believe that’s until next year?). I’ve been given my points for Atlantic and East Coast but there is no sign of the Virgin Trains points being credited yet. Does it usually take this long? Bit strange that two have credited and the other hasn’t.

  5. Hi I was verified with Virgin east coast and it is now showing as virgin trains so I’m not sure you can have both train companies at once.

    1. Virgin trains and virgin trains east coast were two separate companies. East coast went bust(or sold the company to someone else im not sure) a couple of months ago. Those who were previously verified with east coast still get the 250 points until sometime next year.

      1. Perhaps I wasn’t clear. I was verified with Virgin East Coast. At that time being verified with Virgin trains was never an option. I have not applied to be verified with Virgin trains (but I am) so it seems Virgin Red has moved me to that automatically. Hence you can’t be verified for both.

        1. You have been able to verify with both. Prior to east coast leaving the list, you could verify 6 times. That has now dropped to 5 since east coast has gone. I was verified before east coast left, meaning im still getting 250 points from that monthly until a date next year ( I dont know the date). I ALSO am verified with virgin trains and pick up the 250 points from them monthly too. I was verified with east coast and NOT verified with virgin trains when east coast left. I wasn’t automatically switched over to virgin trains and only verified for them this month by purchasing a ticket. I dont believe they would move you from east coast to virgin trains as they operate as two completely separate entities and it wouldn’t make sense to do that. You would have stayed unverified with virgin trains, but been picking up east coast points. Same as me.
          If you click on your profile, you should be able to see exactly where your points are coming from, and if you were previously verified with east coast, you SHOULD be picking up points from that. If you arent, try contacting support.

          1. Thank Charlotte
            I’ve checked and my points show they were from East Coast however I am also showing as verified with Virgin trains although I don’t recall doing this and have not received any points from this. Looks like I’ve been losing out all along as I am not getting an option to verify Virgin trains. Hope that all made sense lol

  6. Hiya
    Is anybody having problems receiving 250 points for being verified customer? – only 2 of my 3 services have been awarded this month. Was told that they would be on within 48 hours but still nothing and no update. I have also complained about quiz questions so maybe they are holfing out on me

  7. How do I become a verified member of virgin trains I am already a customer with an account but it doesn’t work when I try and verify it says some info is missing any ideas ???

    1. Hi Alex,

      I think you need to buy an actual ticket, not just ‘sign up’.

      I’m not verified for virgin trains so I can’t be more specific.


      The Reverend

  8. Having the same problem. Was verified with Virgin trains in September. Haven’t received my points so far for October. It’s past 48 hours.

  9. The ‘Enter A Code’ tile has re-appeared for October. It wasn’t showing yesterday or the day before.

    Ps. I didn’t make the VIP vault last month. Was short by about 75 points.

  10. A tale of honesty. Following the carry on receiving points for being a verified virgin media customer, support services gave me 250 points afrer 3 days. Then on the 4th day Virgin Media awarded my 250 points. I was very tempted to say nothing, but guilt got the better of me and I fessed up to them. They informed me they were unable to remove points and gifted them to me for my honesty. So you see crime really doesn’t pay and I am only 1025 points from VIP vault. Happy days

    1. Hi Carol,

      This gets asked a few times in the comments on my blogs and plenty of people have won various prizes.



      The Reverend

    2. Hi Carol in September 2017 I was 1 of 4 who won the live like a rock star competition which gave me an amazing selection of prizes across the virgin group of companies. This included a brand new phone, thousands of air miles, a £1000 holiday voucher, first class train tickets and 52 bottles of fizz! So I would say absolutely go for it , enter all the codes you can and keep your fingers crossed..

  11. I read somewhere that codes can also be found. I looked at Virgin Red Twitter and Branson’s blog and FB. Has anyone found a code and can you share how I can find some?

    1. Hi Carol,

      They do get given out occasionally – You’ll find them on my blog post when they become available. There currently aren’t any codes but the month is early so anything could happen.


      The Reverend

  12. Car, lemon, playground……today’s answers. I got playground wrong and put in famous saying , oyster….lindalucy!

    1. Hi Linda,

      Doh! I’ve done that before – chosen a wrong answer by mistake and not realised!

      These answers have been added for today on the blog post.


      The Reverend

    1. Good Morning Mick,

      A bit late for you this morning! I got the answers up around 7.30am.



      The Reverend

  13. Hi, just to let you all know the help desk are brilliant if you have any problems!!

    I emailed them as I wasn’t having to uninstall and reinstall the app every day as it wouldn’t open more than once. They emailed back to say they were fixing this in the update (which is now done) and as a sorry they sent me 500 points!

    Lucky me, I’m only 750 points off the VIP vault now!

    1. Well Done Becca.

      I know a few people have had problems with the apps occasionally and a quick check with the helpdesk team and they have come away with bonus points.

      Fingers crossed you make it to the VIP Vault – should be easy with 750 points remaining.



      The Reverend

  14. Does anyone know how many actual play along on this app? Just wondering what the odds of winning a prize are.

    Re the prize front. I’ve been playing now since I discovered its existence around November 20th last year. I’ve won one prize. A copy of Niall Horan’s album via a Flash Friday 25 pts is 25 pts. Still in its cellophane even though “Slow Hands” was better fare than most of his former 1D colleagues efforts

    1. Hi Dorothy,

      I don’t know how many people play along but I think the Virgin Red Team might have this information.

      A few people in the comments have mentioned winning stuff so people definitly do.



      The Reverend

    2. I’ve been doing it over a year now. Always get to open last vault. Never one anything from actual virgin. But do use the offers.

    1. Hello Maria,

      It certainly wasn’t there earlier. I’ve added it to the blog post.

      When I was updating it this morning it did feel like something was missing but I was in a rush so didn’t check.


      The Reverend

  15. Today, I have 1525 points. Looking at last month, if I pick up all the points between now and the end of October, I will still be about 250 points short of making the VIP vault. So it appears you need to be verified with 3 Virgin companies for any chance of VIP. Has anyone hit the VIP with only 2 verifications? Thanks in advance. 🙂

    1. I only have 2 verifications, Virgin Media and Virgin Atlantic.
      I used to get into the VIP prize section a lot. The last month or so I’ve not reached it.
      It’s definitely harder to reach now.
      I’m not bothered though as the prizes are smaller in the VIP section.

    2. I’m verified with 3 Virgin companies but I was just 25 points short of the final vault last month (that hurt!). I think I’ll be seething over it for a good few months to come!!

  16. The code worked fine with me! Thanks Mick! Now only 425 points away from the vip! Only managed to get to vip a few times but definitely getting it this month with 20 days still to go!

  17. Without any bonus points you need to be verified by 3 or 4 companies to hit the VIP vault in a month. It depends on when the first of the month falls and how many days in the month there are. You get a quiz on a Monday and Thursday; Show and Tell on a Wednesday and then Flash Friday.
    So you can get 8 or 9 quizzes; 4 or 5 Show and Tells or Flash Fridays in a month depending on how it falls.
    September was really bad; but October is better; if you used Micks code and carried over the Show and Tell you could potentially hit it with two verifications.
    Its a shame it is more difficult; but then it is in effect a loyalty program and a month like last years Rocktober couldn’t be repeated

    1. Hi Kevin,

      I think they are making it harder to get into VIP but there are still 6 other vaults people can get into every month – Its a free app with prizes.

      What I’m hoping for is that they have made the last couple of months not so good to allow them to have an amazing December.

      I guess we will have to wait and see!



      The Reverend

  18. This is just a bit of fun for me each day as I often get into most of the vaults but haven’t won a thing so far. One day…

  19. I have 625 this morning. Thanks to Mick and his 250 points the other day I think I might just make it this month into the final vault.
    Re comments on prizes I’ve won a couple. There’s was a meal and a bottle of fizz a while back quite close together but nothing for ages now! Would love some air miles or a bit of a break away. Fingers crossed I guess.

  20. Am I right in thinking there are 700 points left up for grabs from tomorrow?
    2 x flash Fridays 50
    4 x quizzes 200
    2 x show and tell 50
    16x this and that 40

    If so I will finally get to open the VIP vault!

  21. Anyone else having trouble with accessing the daily content? I keep getting a message suggesting there is an issue with the app and that I should try again later or log it with the Support Centre.

    I’ve done both but wondered if any users are experiencing or have experienced similar issues.

    1. Hi AC,

      I’ve updated the app but it hasn’t made any difference.

      I’m sure they’ll sort it but now its just a waiting game.


      The Reverend

  22. Same for me, getting the error message, there’s no tiles to select. I guess they’ll fix it shortly, but I will do as they say, contact support!

  23. Same here re installed app and I’ve been left with 50 points and I was only 500 points from VIP vault…hope they sort it out…gutted.

  24. App now working
    Virgin red have issued a code for 25 points in lieu of today’s this or that.
    TOT1710 gets 25 points

    1. Hello Nigel,

      My answers are showing as correct.

      With regards to ‘both’ being correct – if you visit and scroll down you’ll see this quote

      “Buy tailor-made supplements and meal plans, as well as DNA and Blood testing kits that analyse your genetic profile and measure key vitamin levels”

      So if you put both and they said it was incorrect, contact the Virgin Red through the app to see if they’ll give you the points.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Charlie,

      My answers are showing as correct on the app.

      With regards to ‘both’ being correct – if you visit and scroll down you’ll see this quote

      “Buy tailor-made supplements and meal plans, as well as DNA and Blood testing kits that analyse your genetic profile and measure key vitamin levels”

      So if you put both and they said it was incorrect, contact the Virgin Red through the app to see if they’ll give you the points.


      The Reverend

  25. Anyone else find you could not enter the flash Friday chance for the bottle of gin? It is not on my app when I click on the enter button from the email. 🙁 Dernit! I enjoy a good gin and tonic!

    1. Hi Carol,

      Flash Friday should be there tomorrow – hopefully you can get your points (and chance) then.


      The Reverend

  26. Thank you Zipster! Thank you Darrin! Thank you Mick and Rev! I am in the VIP vault!!! YAY!!! Hoping to make the Halloween vault too!

  27. Thank you so much for code, only another 50 points and I’m into the special vault.
    Fingers crossed I’ll be lucky this month as only prize to date has been a free tub of ice-cream.

  28. Thanx to you lovely lot I am now in the bonus vault as well as VIP I can sit back and relax for 9 days now lol. Good Luck Everyone!

    1. Hi Adam,

      I’ve added this to today’s bonus but I bet this will end up being tomorrows!


      The Reverend

    1. Hello John,

      Good to hear about you getting into the VIP Vault. Hopefully you’ll get into many more.



      The Reverend

    1. Hi MCK,

      There are two schools of thought.

      1) Collect all the points! Its fun and the purpose of the app. They may stop the codes at some point or they may add additional vaults.
      2) STOP! Maybe the codes will still work during November so you could start further ahead.

      It is just a game so it all depends how you want to play it.



      The Reverend

      1. It’s a tricky one! I’m 100 points off the additional vault so am going to hold off on using any more bonus codes, and see what happens on November 1st.

  29. Finished! But I’m going to carry on collecting (still smarting over being just 25 point short last month!). There’s usually a ‘show and tell’ type thing that carries over to the next month. I’ll hold that over.

  30. Hi I know the show and tell tile usually carries over into the next month but what about the quiz one? Does that only last a day?

  31. 100 points away from the final Red or Dead vault with 4 days to go. Also my first month of getting into the VIP vault. Happy days. Thx for the code HALLOWGAMES, ‘Twas one I didn’t have.

  32. I don’t seem to have a bonus code tile today. How odd, I wonder if it’s because I’m already in the vault?

    1. Hi Dianne,

      Its not the first tile today, it is showing as tile number 2 for me.



      The Reverend

  33. My code tile vanished yesterday even though I wasn’t quite at the last vault, I’ve looked all through the tiles, there’s no sign of it

    1. You don’t need the tile, you get to it from the front page where it tells you today’s clue for red or dead, at the bottom it says enter code

    1. Hi Anita,

      I’ve deleted it. Sometimes people post their email addresses and I try to zap them before anyone notices.


      The Reverend

  34. Does anyone know if the codes expire after the day they are announced, or can we potentially use them to start us off next month.

    1. Hi Roger,

      It isn’t on mine at the moment so I’ve only added the this or that.

      When it comes back I will add it to my blog.



      The Reverend

      1. Hi, mine too. Did you see my post from yesterday re yesterday’s code? I tried to enter yesterday’s new code of SCARY and it said I had already used it. Any ideas?

        1. Hi Daniel,

          Check your points, perhaps you’d already used the code. Its quite good at knowing who had used what. Did you try and guess any of the codes earlier in the month?


          The Reverend

          1. Hi, thanks for coming back. I’ve just had a reply from Virgin Red, who have said there was an error which didn’t allow me to enter the code. It’s all sorted now.
            Thanks for your help

    1. Hi Ben,

      Have you entered all the codes in my blog? Have you done all the recommended extra things I have on my ‘hints & tips’ page?


      The Reverend

  35. Just topped out at 5150 points wish we could roll extra points over to next month. Mind you have still not won a prize. Maybe you have to be one of Virgins special customers, buying into all their offers ? Atleast everyone had a chance to get enough points this month where just scrapped through last month. Good luck to all.

  36. I was verified with virgin trains and now I seem to not be verified with virgin trains and when I try and verify it again it says there’s an error! Why would this be?

    Also I deliberately saved the codes for the points for the last 5 days of red and dead to see if they can be used this month but they have taken the enter the code section away!

    1. You can still enter a code, click on the explore button at the top right of the app and then click on enter a code, unfortunately the codes from October no longer work

    2. Same with me. I’m currently only verified with Atlantic with the Trains one gone and it not accepting any re-verification attempt

  37. Well that was weird, did the quiz and had enough points to enter for the soundbar but instead it said I had entered for a country escape. Clicked on the soundbar vault after and it just says “this vault is locked” while all the others have a points required number

      1. I think there’s a glitch currently as there’s never usually any issue with the verification points. Might be something to do with them changing things to this VGLC

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