Amazon Affiliates Stats – March 2016

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March 2016 – Stats for the Stat Fans!

  • Total Click : 100
  • Total Orders : 4
  • Total Dispatched : 4
  • Dispatched Revenue : £43.06
  • Fees: £1.29

A huge drop in dispatched revenue and I think this is due in part to not blogging much about Amazon items. This needs to be fixed as we saw LOADS of clicks but just no ordering.

My daily trends looks like this;-

March 2016 Daily Clicks


My conversion rate collapsed compared to February to 4%. This is a stat that is always going to be mixed bag as it shows great reach from the clicks but then poor purchase volume.

The purchase volume was low so my fee was low. I’d definitely prefer it to be high and high!

The unique visitors sky-rocketed to 95 this month. This is nearly 4 times the unique visitors I had compared to last month. Very happy with that – I just need to convert them into sales. and is to be expected due to the site being quiet. Looking at the £ per Unique Visitor it looks like I wont be retiring any time soon!

£1.29 / 95 = £0.013p per Unique Visitor

My massive rise in Unique Visitor just didn’t convert to sales so it appears deflated. If I’d have kept the 40p/UV then I’d have nearly £40 in fees rather than the £1.29…however, I never look a gift horse in the mouth and if I can make £1.29 every month for the rest of the year I would have pretty much paid for my website hosting in full.

This month we get a new stat for Amazon – Payouts. In March 2016, 18 whole month since I last got a payout from Amazon, I got another payout: £32.35

The way things are going, with £1.29 months I wont hit the £25 minimum payout level again until late 2017 so hopefully I can do some things to improve the conversions on Amazon clicks through this blog.


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