Free Cake and Hot Drink
Quick one from me.
Just seen this from M&S – You can get a free cake and hot drink when you visit a Marks & Spencer cafe.
This offer should be available if you have the Sparks app and have linked your account to it. As you can see from the screenshot above it is a single use offer but I can’t see why, if you go with other people who also have the Sparks app, that you all can’t have free tea and cake – as long as you all pay separately.
Marks & Spencer Cafe
Obviously to use this offer you will actually need an M&S cafe near you. I don’t have one near me so I’ve not been able to check this offer out myself but I have asked one of my roving reporters to give it a try. Let me know in the comments below or via twitter if you’ve managed to grab yourself some free cake and a free drink.
End Date
The app is telling me it ends in 8 days… which would be 2nd April, 2022. Make sure you use it before then – a nice afternoon treat.
More Free Drinks
Check out my other posts with how to get free Caffè Nero or free Costa drinks. I’m still getting notified that people are using my codes so they should still both work. The Costa offer has changed as it is now ‘beans’ rather than points but the concept is still the same.