The Icon for Virgin Red's Dream Destination Competition

Virgin Red Competition – Dream Destinations

Virgin Red Competition – Dream Destinations!

Virgin Red are back with another competition – Dream Destinations! There are a number of prizes you can win by taking part everyday. There could also be bonus codes given out which can increase your points so keep an eye out for them on the Virgin Red Twitter feed and Facebook page. Check back here every day to find the latest Virgin Red Vault Competition Answers. You can also see the bonus codes I’ve found below!

Take Part


For an easy 50 points use my invite code IDTLD3 when you download the app.

Download from –

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The Prizes

This month the vault prizes for Dream Destinations Competition are;-

  • Vault 1 – Win 1 of 4 10k Flying Club Miles
  • Vault 2 – Win 20k Flying Club Miles
  • Vault 3  – 700 Points – Win 30k Flying Club Miles
  • Vault 4 – 1000 Points – Win 40k Flying Club Miles
  • Vault 6 – 1300 Points – Win 50k Flying Club Miles
  • Vault 7 – 1500 Points – Win 60k Flying Club Miles
  • Vault 8 – 2000 Points – VIP Vault – Win 1 of 10 VIP Prizes

Do people actually win the prizes? Hell yeah! A number of followers of this blog have told us about the prizes they’ve won.

Virgin Red – Real World Winners!


(check last months post if you can still do the Quiz and want help with the answers)

Day 1 This or That – 25pts
Day 2 This or That – 25pts
Day 3 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Bern | Q2, Brasila| Q3, Wellington 50pts
Day 4 This or That – 25pts
Day 5 This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell – 50pts
Day 6 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Singapore Sling | Q2, Thailand | Q3, Tenzing Norgay50pts
Day 7 This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 8 This or That – 25pts
Day 9 This or That – 25pts
Day 10 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Buenos Aires | Q2, Venezuela | Q3, Salar de Uyuni50pts
Day 11 This or That – 25pts
Day 12 This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell – 50pts
Day 13 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Budapest | Q2, Rome | Q3, Spain50pts
Day 14 This or That 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 15 This or That – 25pts
Day 16 This or That – 25pts
Day 17 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Mount Kilimanjaro | Q2, Rabat | Q3, South Africa – 50pts
Day 18 This or That – 25pts
Day 19 This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell – 50pts
Day 20 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Melbourne| Q2, 4 Stars | Q3, Cast Away50pts
Day 21 – This or That 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 22 This or That – 25pts
Day 23 This or That – 25pts
Day 24 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Toronto Raptors| Q2, New York | Q3, 2 times 50pts
Day 25 This or That – 25pts
Day 26 This or That – 25pts / Show & Tell – 50pts
Day 27 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, New Delhi | Q2, Bogota | Q3, Zagreb 50pts
Day 28 – This or That 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts
Day 29 This or That – 25pts
Day 30 This or That – 25pts
Day 31 This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Kent | Q2, Daffodil| Q3, Mel Gibson 50pts / BONUS CODE ‘BANKHOLIDAY03’ – 50 pts / Bonus CodeBANKHOLIDAY02‘ – 50 pts / Bonus CodeBANKHOLIDAY01‘ – 50pts

Check back here tomorrow if you need help with the quiz. If you are having any problems getting the right Virgin Red Competition – Dream Destinations quiz answers, let me know in the comments below and I will help out 🙂

The Reverend’s Tips

Check out this link to my blog page with all my hints and tips!

Virgin Red Hints, Tips & Bonus Points

Previous Virgin Red Competitions


Virgin Red Competition – Quality Time


Virgin Red Competition – Home Comforts

Virgin Red Competition – The 12 Vaults of Christmas

Virgin Red Competition – Ready Jet Set Go

Virgin Red August Competition – Date Night

Virgin Red July Competition – Happy 2nd Birthday



  1. They zeroed my points at midnight last night and I was able to pinch a number of points using the codes from last month before 1am ish (it was too hot to sleep) at that point they reset the competition (you have to be quick). With the usual tricks of this month added in I’m not only 375 points off from unlocking the VIP vault. Shouldn’t take too long

  2. Is there any point in keeping going each day in a month after entering the final vault?
    The final vault has been easily achievable for the last few months and the site isn’t nearly as interesting as it once was.
    I enter the final vault every month but prizes still don’t come my way. In June they gave away 1000’s of prizes yet nothing came my way which just shows how many people have downloaded this app.

  3. Elaine, I don’t know. I’ve been playing over 2 years and always get into the vip vault, but I haven’t won anything. Still, here I am, ever hopeful.

    1. Hi Norma,

      I had to stretch my braincells for this quiz! Classic pub quiz questions where people THINK they now the answers!


      The Reverend

      1. Hopefully the US next year as my trip got cancelled this year. Thanks so much to this forum it has been a great help!!

          1. Well done!. Look at sites like for best advice on how to make the most of them.

    1. I see your 20k flying club miles and I raise you a chocolate bar !

      Yeah, I fold… you win!

      Enjoy the trip… hope it’s a memorable one :))

  4. I continue playing after I reach the final vault but I save the last quiz or show and tell in a month to start off the next month.

  5. Anyone else wish Virgin hadn’t lost the rail franchises? Would’ve been great to have as one of the prizes train travel

    1. I wish Virgin still ran the trains it was so much easier to book train I wanted plus bonus of getting extra points each month on the Virgin aired site

  6. Anyone from London ever won a prize? I’ve not noticed any London winners. Apparently all winners are always shown by county never city and London is divided up along old lines eg. Middlesex. Not sure how winners from places like Westminster or The City might be displayed?

    1. I’m from London and won 4 tickets to see frozen 2 in cinema end of last year! But the prize wasn’t from any of the vaults it was an extra prize on the virgin red app for virgin media customers.

  7. Virgin atlantic has just filed for bankruptcy so is there any point winning flying miles this month?????

    1. My thoughts exactly … do you think they’re having a bit of a laugh offering them as all the prizes this month?!
      Explains why the recent economising on value of prizes I guess.

  8. Hi Reverend

    FYI you are a day behind as it is a Day 6. I believe you missed out Day 2 which was just a This or That

    Thanks for all you do

  9. I’ve only got 1 more vault to go, but as most of the prizes are busted airmiles, is there any point now?

  10. Thank you so much Maria. It’s interesting that your win wasn’t directly via Virgin Red app.

    I’ve noticed a few winners today from Hertfordshire and Middlesex but not sure if they are actually from London. I’m trying to work out my odds of winning anything as it’s been close to 3 years of daily play (and giving them my data for free) and I’ve not won a sausage – or anything else for that matter

    I think the odds are stacked against me. Perhaps they’re saving the booby Airmiles for their London players? Might just call it a day and delete the app.

    Thank you soooooo much Reverend. You and this group have been fantastic and I really appreciate your time effort and input. ❤️

    1. Well 500k+ have downloaded the app. So even assuming only 20% play then if there’s only 1 prize per vault up for grabs then the chances are still a very low 1 in 100,000.

      Been playing since Nov 2016 and the only thing I’ve ever won was Niall Horan’s first album in Jan 2018 on a Flash Friday

      1. Thanks Dorothy! I really appreciate your calculation of the odds. VirginRed won’t share any sense or approximation of the odds, when I’ve asked, so you’ve given me the first real indication of the chances of winning and given that not everyone who has downloaded the app will play regularly or even play at all, the odds of winning still remain very low and the prizes are progressively falling in value.

        I know VirginRed provide a daily fun and free game however, they’re also collecting and selling on data to their partners in the process. If I’m going to give my data freely in exchange for an occasional prize, I think it’s reasonable to have a sense of the odds of winning, otherwise it’s a bit one way.

        Huge thanks to you again.

  11. I only need another 450 points this month to open the final vault.
    With my luck even if there were only 2 of us entered it would be the other person who wins.
    I don’t feel that I’m really feeding virgin any information that I want to keep secret so if data collection is whether I would choose diamond over sapphire then they’re welcome to know that.
    I’ve been doing this for a few years now and only takes a minute or two every day.
    Find this blog invaluable, particularly when searching for hidden clues or for tricky quiz answers.
    When I don’t win there’s always next month.

  12. How the hell are people unlocking the VIP vault when we aren’t even half way through the month yet?????

    I’ve won a few bits to be fair. Free pizzas and power gel shots but nothing major yet. I’ll keep hoping.

    Has anyone noticed that they have released a code? It wasn’t showing any available this morning but the code is obviously available somewhere now.
    Can anyone tell me where to find it?

    1. Well I’m only verified with Atlantic now having lost West Coast points but I only need 375 to open VIP…I do share anything and everything I can till I can no longer to up the points. Some people are verified with Virgin Money, Virgin Active and Virgin Media. For someone who is verified with them all you start with 1000 points from the 1st of the month. I daresay with the points needed now lower some hit VIP in the first week

    2. Hi,
      I am verified with Virgin Media because my mobile contract is with them. I am verified with Virgin Money because I have a credit card with them. I am verified with Virgin Atlantic because it is free to be so. Also I try to gain all the bonus points available each month by doing the 50 shares, changing my profile picture, holding over any available quizzes etc… I normally have five vaults open on day one, the sixth open around day five and VIP open around 14th. No bonus codes this month that I am aware. Just joining Virgin Atlantic gets everyone an extra 250 points monthly so well worth it in my view. Good luck getting to VIP and winning something. I’ve been playing for a few years now and won nothing.

  13. I’m wondering what will happen if you buy flights with airmiles and something happens to Virgin or you can’t fly because of Covid travel restrictions?

    1. I have flown Delta (tickets) on Virgin Atlantic and I was able to add the air miles to my Virgin Atlantic account. It probably works the other way around. Delta owns 40% share of Virgin Atlantic. Air France also owns shares of Virgin Atlantic, so if anything happened, I would expect they would rearrange flights. I just purchased tickets to US for June 2022 on Delta site, using my Virgin credit card for additional points and will be flying internationally on Virgin planes.
      Two years + and still waiting for my first prize win.

        1. Hi Carol Ann,

          We flew to Miami in March with Virgin Atlantic, and then the lockdowns started while we were out there. Virgin Atlantic were absolutely no help at all, never answered texts, emails or tweets, and took over 3 days to respond to phone calls, eventually, we managed to get them to rebook us on to delta flights, but when we arrived at the airport, it turned out Virgin hadn’t paid for our luggage nor for our baby to go on the same delta flight as us. Delta checked our original virgin tickets and so saw that we had paid virgin for the luggage and the baby and so added them to our booking for us for free. It’s now 5 months later and not received so much as an apology from Virgin Atlantic, let alone compensation for the additional 4 days accommodation, food and baby necessities we had to buy.
          Long story short, virgin were terrible and I’d avoid them, but delta were very helpful it cleaning up virgins mess.

          1. Hi Jon, I was near Orlando and had to check flights online daily as flights were starting to cancel due to CV. Was really nervous but made it home a day before Virgin stopped flights. It was a crazy stressful time. I imagine those handling the calls were unexpectedly overwhelmed. Nothing like this had ever happened. I prefer Virgin planes over Delta. I prefer premium economy. They have always been wonderful to me. Even when I unexpectedly had to go to States for a family death, they couldn’t have been more compassionate and caring.

  14. Anyone know what the code is? I’ve been checking all month and it says no code, but today it would let me add one… I just don’t know what it is!

  15. Good Morning Everyone, does anyone recall seeing the code? I can’t find any mention, but the option is open to use.

  16. Hi Amanda
    I noticed the code entry is active again too but can’t see any codes across their social media yet .. could be one will appear soon.

  17. Won sunglasses in last month’s competition but still waiting for them , does it take this long to get prizes ?

    1. About 30 days for my last win to come through! The sun will be gone before you get your glasses lol

  18. Do we really need to go through the numerous ‘I haven’t won in (insert years)’ every month? It’s really tedious . It costs nothing to enter and if you’re unhappy with them collecting any data from you then unregister, it really is that simple.

    I thought we were here to exchange tips/codes etc.. not for a whingefest

  19. I like the banter on the odds of winning, how long people have played but not won, who has won along with what they won, as well as any clues to those pesky and sometimes elusive codes.. Also love the irony of people whingeing about people whingeing on the site, fantastic!!!
    I’ve not spotted any codes so far this month, then again I reached the final vault today with 6 days to spare so perhaps the fact that the code box is open, could be a Virgin Red Herring
    Best of luck to everyone and thanks Reverend for hosting the site

  20. Blimey eating sunglasses that arrive from Virgin…haven’t tried that yet……or even won anything. Hahaha

  21. Folks, I could use some encouragement. I’ve been playing for years now but haven’t won a single thing. Is it even possible to this unlucky?

    1. If it makes you feel better, I won a small bar of chocolate that was inedible and went straight in the bin!
      I do YouGov surveys for points that add up to £50 rewards, but that has slowed down this year..

  22. I have made the final vault with two bonus codes to spare. Does anyone know if they will still work tomorrow if I “save” them?

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