What Did I Play Last Week – Sunday 4th August
CodBlops, Watchdogs 2, and Assassin’s Creed Unity
Check out my blog post about me being an adult who loves gaming!
Yes! I’m an Adult Gamer and I love Video Games
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
Had about 10 games over the entire week. Hard to fit them in. I’m enjoying seeing other people’s death effects – I don’t have them when I kill people so I guess there is a perk/box that I need to get before I can see streamers when people are shot.
Watchdogs 2
If you watched my stream (and why wouldn’t you!) you’d have seen me fail in escaping the cops not in KITT. Eventually I managed it and then my hour was up. Oh. After stealing it and fixing it in a way a mega-corp couldn’t, I drove it through a billboard. What a waste!
Assassins Creed: Unity
Have done lots of killing in this. Its set in Paris and my sister mentioned that there is talk of using the scans the Assassin’s Creed dev team took of Notre Dame, to rebuild it. I didn’t know that.
I’m sure I’m over halfway through the game but it looks like I’ve only done about 29% of the single player. This isn’t a good sign! 😀
How Am I Playing Them?
As always, I’m on my trusty launch-day PS4. It sounds a bit like a hoover on full whack so I think it might be on its last legs at some point but it still plays games. I am trying to hold off buying a PS4 Pro as its a big old unit and I’m not too bothered about playing in 4k (or Pseudo 4k) as when I’m playing 1080p on my 55″ screen I think the picture looks ace!
And mobile games are played on my iPhone XS. You can watch my unboxing video here.
What’s Next?
It will be time to pre-order the next installment of COD…I’m putting it off as it is big bucks!
I hope to get some more WD2 Streaming in but will more likely just manage to snatch a Codblops game in.
Questions or Recommendations?
If you have any questions or recommendations then drop me a comment in the box below. I’m always looking for other games to play so might even be able to check your games out.