Virgin Red November Vault Competition

Virgin Red November Vault Competition!

Virgin Red are back with another competition for November! There are a number of prizes you can win by taking part everyday. There could also bonus codes given out which can increase your points so keep an eye out for them on the Virgin Red twitter feed and facebook page. Check back here every day to find the latest Virgin Red Vault Competition Answers. You can also see the bonus codes I’ve found below!

Take Part


For an easy 50 points use my invite code IDTLD3 when you download the app.

Download from –

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The Prizes

This month the vault prizes are;-

  • Vault 1 – Win 1 of 15 Oneies
  • Vault 2 – Win 1 of 50 Prosecco Crackers
  • Vault 3 – Win 1 of 2 Deluxe Breaks
  • Vault 4 – Win 1 of 2 Β£500 Gift Cards
  • Vault 5 – Win 40k Flying Club miles
  • Vault 6 – The VIP Vault


Day 1 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell50pts
Day 2 – This or That 25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 All Souls Day, Q2 Mexico, Q3 Sugar Skulls 50pts
Day 3 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25 pts
Day 4 – This or That 25pts
Day 5 – This or That25pts
Day 6 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 Virgin Active, Q2 45, Q3 LIIT – 50pts
Day 7 – This or That – 25pts
Day 8 – This or That 25pts / Show and Tell – 50pts
Day 9 – This or That 25pts
Day 10 – This or That25pts / Flash Friday 25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 Cheese Grater, Q2 Golden Swan, Q3 A V Atlantic Flight50pts
Day 11 – This or That25pts
Day 12 – This or That 25pts
Day 13 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 3, Q2 Genoa, Q3 2020 – 50pts
Day 14 – This or That25pts
Day 15 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell 50pts
Day 16 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 UNESCO, Q2 Rene Descartes, Q3 Richard Branson – 50pts
Day 17 – This or That 25pts / Flash Friday 25pts
Day 18 – This or That25pts
Day 19 – This or That25pts
Day 20 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 The Atlantic, Q2 Business Pitch, Q3 Ayanna Williams 50pts
Day 21 – This or That – 25pts
Day 22 – This or That 25pts / Show and Tell 50pts
Day 23 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 John Logie Baird, Q2 9.5 Years , Q3 Almost 7 Years – 50pts
Day 24 – This or That 25pts / Flash Friday 25pts
Day 25 – This or That 25pts
Day 26 – This or That 25pts
Day 27 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 Experience Days, Q2 Spa Days, Q3 Β£3 – 50pts
Day 28 – This or That25pts
Day 29 – This or That25pts / Show and Tell50pts
Day 30 – This or That25pts / Quiz Answers: Q1 Electric Car Racing, Q2 Sam & Alex, Q3 10 – 50pts

Check back here tomorrow if you need help with the quiz. If you are having any problems getting the right Virgin Red November Vault quiz answers, let me know in the comments below and I will help out πŸ™‚

The Reverend’s Tip

There are other ways to earn points including using my joining code above to earn an extra 50 points when you start! I will try to share any bonuses I find on this page. There are no daily bonus clues like there was for Virgin Red Rock Your World.

The Reverend’s Tip #2


Sign up to Virgin Atlantic (it is free) and get 250 points a month for no effort! It takes only a minute and will increase you monthly points total by 250 points. Don’t forget to go into the app and enter you membership number to get the points.

The Reverend’s Tip #3

If you put a new profile picture up on the app you’ll get an extra 50 points. It looks like you can only do this once a month but it is an easy 50 points for this competition.

The Reverend’s Tip #4

When you complete vaults or answer questionsΒ  you are able to use the button on the top right to send an email telling people. You can only do it five times per month and each one gives you an extra 25 points.

Previous Virgin Red Competitions

Virgin Red Discover Hidden Gems Competition



    1. Hi Pam,

      Great work beating me to these this morning.

      I’ll add the, to the blog so others can quickly answer.


      The Reverend

    1. Hello Abdus Salam,

      Thanks for letting me know – just a cut/paste error on my end. I’ve now fixed it.

      Have the bestest of days.

      The Reverend

  1. Morning πŸ™‚

    Virgin Red seems much quieter this month, I’m guessing I’m not missing other codes as nothing is mentioned here…. December might be bustiers I hope lol

    Have a great day


    1. Hi Gordo,

      We all look forward to a ‘bustier’ December – LOL! πŸ˜€

      It is really quiet, I’ve not seen any bonus codes this month. I would hope that because the September was ‘big’ and October still ‘quite big’ that a quiet November will lead to a CRAZY CHRISTMAS!

      We are nearly half way through November so it shouldn’t be long before we find out what Virgin Red have planned for December.


      The Reverend.

  2. Is anyone anywhere near getting into the VIP vault this month? 2 weeks left and a heck of a lot of points still to go and it seems to be just the 25 this or that on most days!!!

    1. Hello Gina,

      I’m on 1825 points and 6 out of 7 vaults. I need another 675 points. there are 14 days left an usually we get 25 points per day. Thats 350 points. Hopefully they will have some extra points nearer the end of the month and I’ll be able to open that last vault.

      Have you done all the ‘Reverend’s Tips’ I’ve put on the post?


      The Reverend

      1. Ruprect,

        You are doing really well there. I’m about 500 points away from VIP.

        Good luck, I hope you get into that last vault.


        The Reverend

  3. A suggestion guys which I myself have done a long time ago … 250 points for every verified virgin company so… apart from verifying on virgin active which is expensive, I suggest buying two virgin train tickets online. One for east coast and one for west coast. They start from as little as Β£3.50 each. Of course you don’t have to take the journey but you will get 2 ticket numbers which you can verify for at least the next 12 months (extra 500 points per month) for very little outlay. Just a thought. I’ve done it and am verified for 5 of the 6 virgin companies even though I don’t live in England. Be aware though, after purchasing, wait at least 72 hours before verifying. That’s how long it takes. Remember, you’ll only need to do that once per year to be a verified train customer for the whole year!

    1. Hi Ruprect,

      What an excellent idea. I’m not sure I fancy spending any real money on completing the vaults but I didn’t know the tickets were validated for 12 months! Great news for people!



  4. Hello Everyone,

    Hope you are getting through the vaults ok. I have 400 points before I get into the VIP Vault and 9 days to do it.

    9 x daily this or that @ 25pts = 225pts
    1 x Flash friday @ 50pts = 50pts
    1 x Quiz @ 50pts = 50pts
    2 x Show and Tell @ 50pts = 100pts

    I might just make it! However there may only be 1 show and tell before the November competition closes and so if there is, I wont make it into the final VIP vault!

    This is like watching a show with a level of jeapardy that just isnt required! πŸ˜€


    The Reverend

    1. Hi Anne,

      Well worked out. I think I skew the average for tv watching over a lifetime….Probably closer to 20 years for me!



      The Reverend

  5. I am 550 away even after today. Missed a few days and didn’t get full 50 points for the early quizzes. My bad for not checking in here first for the answers.

    1. Hi Gina,

      550 is going to be hard, but I’m hoping they do one or two 100 point bonues in the last week. If so, you may be in with a chance.


      The Reverend

  6. 4 days left and 150 points to get into the VIP Vault

    I know they will give us 4 x 25pts for ‘This or That’ so I just need 1 x 50pts from something else.

    Still in with a chance! πŸ˜€

        1. Hi Paula,

          No option for bonus codes this month, which is a shame. Have you submitted fo rthe show and tell? You can send them any picture. Have you changed your profile pic – that is worth 50pts. Finally, have you signed up for Virgin Airlines air miles? Thats worth 250 points each month. The final option is to set up 2 new virgin red account and use your referal code on both of them to get the extra points.


          The Reverend

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