Task360 – My First Job
As you can see from my Task360 Diary I got my first job pretty much straight away. It was a nice an easy sounding job – head to a Tesco Superstore and audit their nappy selection. The app shows you where the jobs are via a map interface – this makes it so much easier to work out whether you can actually do/get to the job without having to go into each one separately. The job is only for £7 so after tax is taken I’ll be left with about a fiver. Not life changing amounts but certainly will help, especially if I can get a couple of jobs in the same area on the same day.
The only challenge here is that the job had a tight time-deadline. Luckily for me it was close enough that the deadline wasn’t a problem. Before you request the task you are given a brief description and it said I’d have about 20 questions to answer. Accepting the task then gave me a timer to tell me how long I had to complete the task. For some reason it gave more more time than the deadline however I wasn’t going to risk it!
Job Description
Within 10 minutes I had finished the job. When you are doing the task, the app takes you to a list of questions/tasks that you go into. For most of this job the tasks were simple ‘yes/no’ answers. Out of all the questions I could answer ‘yes’ to all of them. The one I couldn’t answer ‘yes’ to was due to the product having a different quantity to the one shown in the app. As I was given a picture to compare against, it wasn’t a typo however I did wonder if this was something Task360 do to trip people up and make sure they are checking the right things! The last question of the task was to take a photo of the front of the store. I did this as I left and submitted my time-sheet. Fingers crossed it all goes through cleanly.
In Summary
For my first task on Task360 I think it was a good one. It shows them my attention to detail and it shows me the sensible way their app is set-up. I will continue to check the app out and take jobs which are local.
Do you use any Apps for casual work? Which ones work for you? Let me know in the comments!