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Any Stupid Questions? Podcast

Podcasting Any Stupid Questions?

Any Stupid Questions? Podcast

This is a podcast I really enjoy. If you have ever caught “Any Questions?” on the BBC then you will understand the rough format of Any Stupid Questions, but the real skill of it is that it is there to inform you, not make you feel stupid for not understanding. If you want to learn about world / uk / topical events but worry the level of discussion might be above you, this podcast is for you.

Who are ‘Any Stupid Questions’?


ASQ is hosted by Danielle Ward and each week she is joined by a couple of comedians and more importantly, an expert in the topic. The great thing about having a ‘host’ plus 2 comedians means that you have the light-relief who are able to ask questions as well as Danielle who comes prepared with a list of stupid questions. The comedians aren’t there to be comedy side-kicks – they help develope discussion points and lead the conversation in a way where 2 or 3 well-educated-on-the-issue people might keep to a particular track/line of thought.

Any Stupid Questions? - Logo400x400

Whats is all about?

Think of a topic that has been in the new recently and you’ll probably find an episode about it. By keeping the topics ‘high-level’ enough, they don’t always have to be recorded the week of an event and if there is something we know about world news….history does have a tendancy to repeat itself.

Tourism/The British Empire/Syria/The NHS are all topics that have been discussed on Any Stupid Questions.

What are other people saying about Any Stupid Questions?

There are plenty of reviews on iTunes of the podcast. If you are after further validation then the Guardian Website covered it in June this year as the lead on a podcast article.

How Can you find it?

Find it on iTunes.
Find it on Acast.
Follow Any Stupid Questions? On Twitter.


*Header Image Copyright of Patrick Breitenbach



    1. Hi Caz,

      Although themed about death, or more correctly, remembering someone who has died, it isn’t as morbid as it sounds!

      I’ve got a few podcast recommendations coming up in the next month or so as I listen to loads on my commute to work.


      The Reverend

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