February 2016 – Stats for the Stat Fans!
- Total Click : 23
- Total Orders : 3
- Total Dispatched : 4
- Dispatched Revenue : £180.58
- Fees: £7.12
My dispatched revenue is higher than last month and with £7.12 in fees from Amazon I think that’s not bad for a month when I didn’t do much.
My daily trends looks like this;-
Once again I have got a conversion rate over 10%. This month it was 13% so improving on last month’s effort.
Although the conversion rate was higher than last month, I didn’t have the high-value item this month so the actual fee is less. But with £7+ I think it is still something I can build on.
We saw a drop in unique visitors with 18 this month. This is less than half than last month and is to be expected due to the site being quiet. Last month we looked at the fees per unique visitor starts to see if there is any relationship. This is a 17p jump on last month! Look at those numbers soar!
£7.12 / 18= £0.40p per Unique Visitor
I also thought that based on last month, this month’s figure would drop with no high-value item. Little did I guess I’d see a drop of unique users that made the value jump higher!