Virgin Red Competition – Leap Year
Virgin Red are back with another competition – Leap Year! There are a number of prizes you can win by taking part everyday. There could also be bonus codes given out which can increase your points so keep an eye out for them on the Virgin Red Twitter feed and Facebook page. Check back here every day to find the latest Virgin Red Vault Competition Answers. You can also see the bonus codes I’ve found below!
Take Part
For an easy 50 points use my invite code IDTLD3 when you download the app.
Download from –
Apple App Store
Google Play Store
The Prizes
This month the vault prizes for the Leap Year Competition are;-
- Vault 1 – Win 1 of 5 Flower Subscriptions
- Vault 2 – Win 1 of 25 Bottles of Fizz
- Vault 3 – 600 Points – Win 1 of 4 Cotswolds Breaks for 2
- Vault 4 – 800 Points – Win 1 of 3 £250 Vouchers
- Vault 5 – 1000 Points – Win The Platinum Collection
- Vault 6 – 1250 Points – Win 40000 Flying Club Miles
- Vault 7 – 1800 Points – VIP Vault
Day 1 – This or That – 25pts
Day 2 – This or That – 25pts
Day 3 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Champagne | Q2, 5 | Q3, Wales – 50pts
Day 4 – This or That – 25pts / Bonus Code – LEAP50 – 50pts
Day 5 – This or That – 25pts
Day 6 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, All of the Above | Q2, 70% | Q3, 2 – 50pts
Day 7 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts / Bonus Code – HOP50 – 50pts
Day 8 – This or That – 25pts
Day 9 – This or That – 25pts
Day 10 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Hollywood | Q2, Oscars | Q3, 1929 – 50pts
Day 11 – This or That – 25pts / Bonus Code – SKIP50 – 50pts
Day 12 – This or That – 25pts
Day 13 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, 14th February | Q2, Roses | Q3, 1913 – 50pts
Day 14 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts / Riverdance Cinema Tickets – 25pts / Bonus Code – LOVE50 – 50pts
Day 15 – This or That – 25pts
Day 16 – This or That – 25pts
Day 17 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Both Do! | Q2, 2016 | Q3, Both – 50pts
Day 18 – This or That – 25pts / Bonus Code – SPRING50 – 50pts
Day 19 – This or That – 25pts
Day 20 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Chiswick House | Q2, 3| Q3, 2000 – 50pts
Day 21 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts / Bonus Code – JUMP50 – 50pts
Day 22 – This or That – 25pts
Day 23 – This or That – 25pts
Day 24 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Pancake Day | Q2, 47| Q3, Tuesday – 50pts
Day 25 – This or That – 25pts / Bonus Code – BOUNCE50 – 50pts
Day 26 – This or That – 25pts
Day 27 – This or That – 25pts / Quiz – Q1, Every 4 Years | Q2, 2016 | Q3, Women Propose to Men – 50pts
Day 28 – This or That – 25pts / Flash Friday – 25pts / Bonus Code – MOVE50 – 50pts
Day 29 – This or That – 25pts
Check back here tomorrow if you need help with the quiz. If you are having any problems getting the right Virgin Red Competition – Leap Year quiz answers, let me know in the comments below and I will help out 🙂
The Reverend’s Tips
Check out this link to my blog page with all my hints and tips!
Previous Virgin Red Competitions
Virgin Red Competition – The 12 Vaults of Christmas
Virgin Red Competition – Ready Jet Set Go
Virgin Red August Competition – Date Night
Virgin Red July Competition – Happy 2nd Birthday
This is certainly getting easier to get into the VIP vault. I only need 1250 more points over the next 28 days which with an obvious code like Valentine coming on 14th even though I’m only now verified with Atlantic I should get into.
Anybody else though think the prizes are getting a tad boring?
No it’s good that more people can get to the VIP vault
Also more mid price prizes means more prizes among the many participants
Just entered JUMP50 code and it worked, just worked it out from previous codes being HOP, SKIP, next would be JUMP from HOP, SKIP and JUMP.
Also spring50 works
I agree Dorothy. I only need 750 points to the VIP vault and it’s only day one.
I agree Jacqueline. I only need 749 points to the VIP vault and it’s only day one.
Any one have answers to earth unscrewed quiz
1. A podcast
2.Dr Helen and Seyi
3. All of the above
Thank you
How can you possibly need so few points to get into VIP after only 2 days?
It’s boring with no prizes ever!
Also never had a prize
I need 550 points for the vaults
Six Nations Rugby QUIZ
1) Champagne
2) 5
3) Wales
This reset this morning.
Six Nations Rugby quiz:
Am I going mad, or did they just extend the points needed to the VIP vault by about 125?
I’m sure I was at 850 needed before adding 75 points with today’s tasks, but now it says 900 needed.
I could be wrong – this has been known!
Hello Graham,
Checking back, from the first of February it has always been 1800 points for the VIP Vault. I try to add the points needed against the vaults at the top of the blog post each month.
The Reverend
I’d LOVE to win a prize. I’ve been playing daily for 2 years and almost always get into the VIP vault. Fingers crossed!
Me too. I manage to VIP vault every month but in all my months of trying I’m still waiting for an email to say I’ve won a prize. It’s free and it’s fun so no complaints, just keeping fingers crossed.
The same I have been doing this for the last 2 years. Still waiting to win something.
Hi Carol Ann,
Seen your name pop up on here for quite a while now so I hope you win something! Intrigued to know what you will do if you finally win?!
My son is going on holiday in March to Las Vegas with a friend including flights , hotel , helicopter excursion and VIP longe access as a result of winning £1500 holiday voucher , I think he only had to pay £11 but for two people it’s lovely sadly I’ve yet to win a bar of chocolate
It seems ‘JUMP50’ gives you 50 Bonus Points too!
They are going to be bonus codes this month. Facebook Instagram and Twitter just seen this morning.
Hi Judith,
Its great they are doing more codes, but they are removing ‘show and tell’.
They have promised we’ll get twice as many points from the codes so it should help people get into the VIP Vault.
The Reverend
I did see that about the show and tell.
Show and Tell was garbage anyway. I bet they just got a bunch of crappy photos each time.
Worth reading The Great Social leap tab as there is mention codes every Tuesday and Friday throughout February across sm with no clues. on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. you can open links to those platforms via the page,
The Quiz has reappeared for the second time today, 100 points instead of 50
Bonus twitter code – LEAP50
This is instead of the Show and Tell.
Just got it… were quick….
code for 50 points from Twitter
another bonus code coming on Friday 7th…
It is 4 Feb and you are showing today as day 3 – you missed a day somewhere.
I must have wanted February to last an extra day. Now fixed.
The Reverend
It does last an extra day haha
Holy Grail quiz answers –
All of the above
Jumping the gun but LOVE50 is a code as well
So is SPRING50
Thank you Jamed!
Hop50 for 50 points!
Use codes:
JUMP50 and
for an extra 50 points each.
SKIP50 and JUMP50 also work
I thought I’d try after entering HOP50 , didnt think they’d make it so obvious
Also SPRING50 for 50 points.
BOUNCE50 for 50
Keep guessing guys
I’ve been playing for 2 years as well and never won. But others clearly are so I’ll keep going. I don’t think anybody can criticise the prizes – it is free after all.
Hi Ian,
Last month they gave away a Nintendo Wii….so I think we can criticise their prizes a little bit!
The Reverened
Only 75 more points needed for VIP vault thanks to all you bright sparks who have found 50 point codes. (I could give you a lot that don’t work!!)
Opps someone beat me to it.
Hello Everyone,
Great work on guessing the bonus point codes! I imagine there will be lots of people getting into the final vault this month.
I’ll continue to only put the ‘officially released’ codes in the main blog post but feel free to add any of the bonus codes in the comments for people – it looks like a few of you have schnaffled them to get yourself closer to the VIP Vault.
Good luck 🙂
The Reverend
HOP50 code on Facebook
I found a few mentioned ones but this hasn’t been mentioned yet. Move50!!!
Skip50 and jump50 are the next codes….for now or later
25 points to go for VIP vault and it is only day 9.
125 needed for VIP here, great sports you guys posting the unpublished codes for the rest of us.
I’m in the last vault.
Academy Awards answers:
Just opened the VIP vault again !!
Now just got to win something
That’s me in VIP too. Really quick this month. Good luck everyone.
For extra points try Skip50 and Jump50. I took a punt and these codes worked. However, they will be ahead of their official release time from Virgin. Once they are released you won’t be able to use them again.
Only 500 points to the VIP Vault. I’m not risking using unpublished codes though, just in case they monitor usage (cautious Capricorn here 😉 )
Hi Gooner,
I’m not sure they do monitor usage. It looks like everyone will get into the VIP vault this month! 😀
I’ve not published the guessed codes on my blog as I’m trying to support the people playing along but it does look like lots of people have used them so far. They may not release them all so some people might get a higher score that people not guessing but I doubt Virgin Red will do much about it!
The Reverend
That’s me into the final vault and we’re only at February 10th. Haven’t even had to do quiz today to reach vault.
Appreciate that they don’t want to make it too difficult to reach final vault but this is really too easy this month.
Good luck to everyone, hope to see some prizes being won by followers of this blog.
Hi Elaine S,
I hope that next month they make it a bit more of a challenge. I think giving the extra codes should have come with a higher total required to get into the VIP Vault.
The Reverend
Instagram code SKIP50
For anyone who hasn’t worked it out yet.
JUMP50 will be the next code following
Leap, hop, and skip today.
It was actually LOVE50!
I’m using the codes as they officially appear, it’s part of my morning routine. I don’t see the point of jumping ahead myself, they won’t send the prizes out any sooner (I’m the sort of person who doesn’t open choolate advent calendars early) but I do read them in the blog.
Jump50 worth 50 bonus points
I will be offline on Feb 19th for a couple of weeks ( holiday), so having the codes in advance is really great, and should get me into the last vault. Thank you to everyone for their help.
Quiz – Valentine’s Day
14th February
Quiz answers:
1. 14th February
2. Roses
3. 1913
Thanks everyone for your codes in advance, only got 75 points left to get into the VIP vault.
A secret ‘JUMP50’ code I discovered you can use, that’s not out yet
Use the code JUMP50 for 50 points
Use the code BOUNCE50 for 50 points
From Twitter today code LOVE50
Happy Valentines Day everyone. ❤️
Thanks Pam!
Quick question please.
I’ve noticed some people have photos on their comments. How do you add this?!
Thanks in advance.
Hi Pam,
I believe people are using Gravatar
The Reverend
Thank you.
How is everyone getting to the vault so quickly. I have completed all daily tasks/quiz etc. and used all codes you have supplied but still need 675 points. Am I missing something? Any help appreciated
Hi Paul,
HAve you checked out my seperate post on hints & tips for the Virgin Red Games?
I’m currently 300 points off the VIP Vault so expect to get in there well before the end of February.
The Reverend
Hi, great tips there. I’ve bagged a few more points after reading. In one of the tips you say you carry over some Quizzes and show and tells into the next month if you aren’t going to access the vault. How do you see past quizzes etc. I can only see the tasks for the current day and can’t seem to see/access past ones?
Any advice on how to access the Morrisons offer?
Have you read the tile about it, all the instructions are there
Hi Hazel,
I think you need to register your cards as part of the ‘Shops Away’ site however I’ve not done this myself.
The Reverend
Dark skies quiz:
1 Both do
2 2016
3 Both
SPRING50 – 50pts
SPRING50 on Instagram
Has anyone on here ever won any of the prizes?
Hi Dan,
Loads of people! I keep meaning to do a blog post with some of the details.
The Reverend
Yes I’ve won twice! First time a few years ago I won 6 x mini bottles of Prosecco and just before Xmas I won a £100 M&S gift card
Hi Dan, I’ve played a couple years now. Haven’t won yet, but I keep hoping. 🙂
Bound50 and bounce50 are extra codes that haven’t been posted yet
Bound50 didn’t work for me, hopefully it’ll work when released!
Chiswick house, 3, 2000……’s answers!
Finally won a prize! Lunch for two at the ritz! Love this app and this forum.
Did you get an email or were you contacted by phone? I’m always afraid any notifications might be going into ‘junk mail’??
Hi Jamie,
The app advises they will notify you by notifications on the app plus they will email.
The Reverend
JUMP50 is a code that worked for me this month 🙂
Today’s code
Jump50 on Facebook
I’ve just guessed move50 and it works for 50 points
Help please. I am locked out of my virgin red app. Tried everything I can
Thank you Carol
Hi Carol,
Try contacting the virgin red people – if you can’t access them through the app, try twitter 🙂
The Reverend
Thank you for your help. I eventually emailed them and am back In
Hi, I too was locked out of my Virgin Red App & stuck in a round & round situation, could not even get password reset email to come through. Very odd. I had to contact Virgin red, who sent a direct link to password reset!
Quiz 24th February : 50 Points
1 – Pancake Day
2 – 47
3 – Tuesday
Bounce50 is going to be a code – tried it and it works
Facebook code BOUNCE50
Names of the winners from last month has been published. That’s the first time I’ve seen it published.
Didnt win anything though.
Does anyone know if there is going to be another code released? I’ve 25 points to go before I get into the VIP vault! Thanks
Hi Faye,
Have you tried all the hints and tips I’ve done on this post?
The Reverend
That is brilliant!! Thanks, just emailed myself to say that I got into the air miles box – so I’m now in the VIP box!
Well Done!
Its always great when someone else joins us in the VIP Vault!
The Reverend
I like the fact that they published the winners… makes you feel it is possible!