Red Wig Wam – My First Job

RedWigWamI managed to get my first job last night on Red Wig Wam. Have you joined RedWigWam yet? If not, you can sign up here and start looking for mystery shopper work right away!

I was impressed as it was right on my doorstep so it was hard to say ‘no’.

At around 12:30 on Sunday I headed over to the Tesco store and went in search of the product. Apparently it would be by the healthcare/performance section. A good 20 minutes was spent looking round this store until I nearly admitted defeat. As I walked to the Customer Service desk I noticed the performance food section hidden near the end of one eisle.
There I found 6 bottles of the product and I took them all. Then over to the CS desk to see if they had anymore. It was a bit of a challenge and the lady on the desk did view me a little with suspicision. She went off twice to see if they had any more. They didn’t have any in the stock-room and agreed to sell me the 6 bottles I could find. The customer service lady did say, “Did you get a code of the internet?” and I had to explain that I was working for the company who supplied them and they asked me to get them.

I purchased the 6 bottle and returned home to upload the receipt to the site. It is really easy to do. Red Wig Wam advises they will pay you the day after a job is uploaded but seeing as i’ve done this on a Sunday, I guess I will get paid Tuesday. I will update once that is made. I will get paid for the job but also for the 6 bottles I purchased.

On the Tuesday I received an email that looked REALLY phishy. I commented to my colleagues that I had received some spam into my google inbox and usually its really good at NOT letting spam through. At a second glance i saw it was for a mailbox I was using for this job  and the file name contained the company I did the work for – RedWigWam. Unless it was really specific spam, I should be OK. And it turns out I was ok and it was the payment sheet for the job. I logged into my internet banking and saw the payment had come in.

RedWigWam Payment April 2016
So it was 3 days from doing the job to getting paid. Excellent work I’m really happy with that. The ‘work’ was minimal and really took no time or effort but the reward was well worth it. I doubt there will be many job this easy but it was a really good opener to the world of RedWigWam.
Have you used RedWigWam before? How did you find them?

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