I managed to get my first job last night on Red Wig Wam. Have you joined RedWigWam yet? If not, you can sign up here and start looking for mystery shopper work right away!
I was impressed as it was right on my doorstep so it was hard to say ‘no’.
Date : 7/04/2016
This role will involve you visiting Tesco stores and purchasing stock. Your job will be to purchase all CHOCOLATE Muscle Milk Protein Ready to Drink Shake 330ml in-store. Some German stock has been sent into stores in error. The product inside is exactly the same, it’s just the label and barcode which is different. You will need to locate this product in-store. The product is merchandised within sports nutrition/weight management area which is in the healthcare/pharmacy section of the store. You will need to take all GERMAN LABELED STOCK only from the shelf, check the top shelf above the fixture and also ask a member to staff to check that there isn’t any in the warehouse too. All Chocolate product that has German language on it (barcode 4 250616 672009), buy this stock, giving the UK barcode provided (8 76063 00802 0) at the checkout to enable the stock sales to be registered. There could be up to 12 bottles of stock in store & the retail of the product is £2.99 – you will need to purchase ALL the affected stock. It may be easiest to go to customer services to purchase the stock & explain that by scanning the UK barcode this will pull more stock through ahead of the ½ price promotion on 12th April. If there is any UK chocolate stock on shelf then take 1 bottle with you to check out so it can be scanned to purchase the German product (do not purchase the UK bottle though). The barcode details on your brief will also work to scan through. You will be able to keep the stock that you purchase (it’s a great new product which we hope you’ll love) and we will re-imburse you 24hours after you submit your timesheet and expense receipt. Calls will need to be completed by Thursday 7th April.
I purchased the 6 bottle and returned home to upload the receipt to the site. It is really easy to do. Red Wig Wam advises they will pay you the day after a job is uploaded but seeing as i’ve done this on a Sunday, I guess I will get paid Tuesday. I will update once that is made. I will get paid for the job but also for the 6 bottles I purchased.
On the Tuesday I received an email that looked REALLY phishy. I commented to my colleagues that I had received some spam into my google inbox and usually its really good at NOT letting spam through. At a second glance i saw it was for a mailbox I was using for this job and the file name contained the company I did the work for – RedWigWam. Unless it was really specific spam, I should be OK. And it turns out I was ok and it was the payment sheet for the job. I logged into my internet banking and saw the payment had come in.