Cheap PSN Credit AND 12 Months PSN+ Membership

Quick! You can currently get PSN Credit cheaper than face value from

PSN Credit

PSN Credit is what you need to buy things from the Playstation Network Store. You can choose to fund you account directly from your bank card but I’ve always felt happier using these ‘credits’ and applying them to my account. This means that if a hacker manages to get control of my account, they can’t spend my money!


This is an online retail store where you can buy plenty of gaming things. Not only can you buy physical media games but you can get digital versions. Part of the digital store allows you to buy these credits for less than their face value. What a bargain!

Its all the Same Discount, Right?

Wrong! Check out this table which shows you the difference they are currently offering. It is always worth checking which gives you the best value for money. At the moment it is the £45 Face Value credits that you can get for just under £38 – a total saving of 15.89%. In contrasts, if you were to buy £100 of credit your saving would be 12.15% – you would certainly expect more savings on higher value credits, wouldn’t you?

A table comparing the prices and savings on PSN Credit

What can you do with the Credit?

Purchase anything from the PSN Store, including PSN+ Membership, games, rent or buy movies, and get in-game credit for the games that require it.

The Biggest Saving

As part of the Days of Play promotion, Sony are giving people 30% off the PSN+ Membership. When you add in the extra 15% discount from buying the credit above, you could save over 45% on your PSN+ membership, which is normally £49.99! If you purchase the £35 credit value then you get a smaller saving but don’t have funds sat on your account.

If you are just after PSN+ Membership, do you even need to buy a credit for the PSN Store?


Nope – At the moment the store is selling 12 months membership for £29.85. This means you don’t need to buy the credit, you can just buy the membership for exactly the same price. Great if you only want the membership but if you want more credit on your account, at a discount, then buy the PSN Credit vouchers instead.

Don’t Forget The Cashback

Shopto are on Quidco at the moment so don’t forget to check out the cashback available.

The Reverend’s Final Thought

Purchasing PSN credit is a great way to keep you account safe by not storing your bank card details within your PSN Account. It also stops anyone with access to your machine spending hundreds without your approval. The added bonus here is a 15% discount on the ‘cash’ value of the credit. It is worth remembering that Digital versions of games tend to be more expensive than their physical media version with the added downside that you can’t sell or trade the games. If you are looking to extend your PSN+ membership to cover the launch of the PlayStation 5 then this would be a great way to make sure you membership continues to June 2021.


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