What Did I Play Last Week – Sunday 28th April
Its been a mixed week this week. Here is a rundown of what I’ve been playing. If you fancy checking out my gaming credentials then I’ve blogged about how I’m unashamedly an adult gamer.
Yes! I’m an Adult Gamer and I love Video Games
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
As always, I managed to get some CODBLOPS4 time in this week. Seeing as I only play Hardcore Kill Confirmed it means that if I have a spare 10 minutes I can get at least 1 match in.
Last week I managed to level up the Daemon 3XB. This week it is the Switchblade X9 – From Level 1 to Level Max in a week. I’ve not enjoyed the last two guns so I’m glad that the submachine gun category is now all maxed out.
All that is left is the Sniper Rifles. These will take MUCH longer as most are bolt action and single shot. They also generally take an age to reload.
Once these are done I can consider prestige-ing. Knowing my luck, there will be another COD out before I manage it!
Red Dead Redemption 2
I decided that this wee would be the week I completed this. I was in Epilogue Part 2 so I knew I didn’t have much left to play so I have been putting it off.
The last mission really was to go hunt down an old gang member and kill them. It was a fitting end to the whole game. You are a bit worried it will end the same way Red Dead Redemption ended but it does not.
Something I’d not realised while playing is that one of the gang, who you meet while being Arthur and then you play as during the epilogues, is the main character from the first Red Dead Redemption! Then I read that ‘Dutch’ is someone who you hunt down in the first game. I’d completely forgotten about that – it shows how long it had been between the two games. What a great link-up between the two games and the fact RDR2 is a ‘prequal’ to RDR just makes it more epic.
If you’ve not played RDR2 (or RDR for that matter) then you should grab them. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a delight to play and also watch. The music, the cinematography, the voice acting and the graphics are all amazing. At time you could imagine you are watching a spaghetti western.
I’m sure that RDR2 will be cheap enough this year that you should buy it. Make sure that you do.
How Am I Playing Them?
As always, I’m on my trusty launch-day PS4. It sounds a bit like a hoover on full whack so I think it might be on its last legs at some point but it still plays games. I am trying to hold off buying a PS4 Pro as its a big old unit and I’m not too bothered about playing in 4k (or Pseudo 4k) as when I’m playing 1080p on my 55″ screen I think the picture looks ace!
What’s Next?
I really fancy trying a zombie game out. Not my usual genre but there have been a couple of great ones out on the PS4. If I don’t do that then probably more gun leveling up on COD:BLOPS4. Boring but I want to do it before I prestige. I still have two Assassin’s Creed games to finish and I’ll still then be at least 2 games behind in the series (Egypt & Rome I’ve not got yet).
Questions or Recommendations?
If you have any questions or recommendations then drop me a comment in the box below. I’m always looking for other games to play so might even be able to check your games out.