Did you know you could earn money back every time you spend on-line? It is possible to earn £100’s back from just your day-to-day online shopping.
The process is easy.
- Disable any ad-blockers/cookie blockers
- Visit and register (its free) at www.topcashback.co.uk
- Before you buy anything on-line, search for them on TopCashBack
- Click through from TCB to the on-line retailer.
- Ensure you get the tracking notification on TCB
- Buy as you would normally on your chosen website
- Receive either a percentage back or a fixed figure when you buy.
You can get cashback from eBay, Amazon, Argos, Boots, AO.com, Tesco and many others. You can find cashback offerings from big annual purchases like mobile phone contracts, car insurance, breakdown cover and Utility suppliers. The deals change a lot but here is a summary of some deals that are currently correct.
- 1.01% – eBay
- £70.70 + £50 M&S Voucher – Sky TV Package
- £111.10 – TalkTalk Broadband
- £161 – BT Broadband and TV Package
- £222.20 – Virgin Media Package
- £106.05 – O2 Mobile phone
- 4.04% – Amazon.co.uk (Shoe purchase)
- £50.50 – LV.com (Pet Insurance)
This year so far I have already earned £170 in cashback. This is all by purchasing items I was planning to buy anyway. I was due to renew my mobile phone contract so not only was I able to get the cheapest price, I was also able to get cashback! The other great thing is you can earn cashback by not spending a penny. Currently there are £15 worth of offers that you can earn and it wont cost you a thing.
I will update you at the end of the month on how my money making journey is progressing.
Do you use a cashback site? Do you have any questions on how to get cashback? Let me know in the comments below.