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My First TopCashBack Referral Has Completed



First Referral From TopCashBack

I have finally got my first referral from TopCashBack that has tracked and gone through all the way to payout. It has been a long time coming and I’ve tried to help people join TCB just because they can get money for stuff they would just usually buy. The hard work has finally paid off as the first referral has just become payable!


I do know who this person was as I’d discussed the benefit of TCB on moving their broadband to Plusnet. Its a good feeling knowing that for me to get the referral, they have to have received their £90 cashback!

My referral stats are as follows;-


I’ve got about a 5% sign-up rate, a 3% ‘get started’ rate and less than a 1% completed rate. I’m always open if people need a hand on an easy way to meet their payout levels, just drop me a line.

If you don’t have TopCashBack yet then I recommend checking out my post on how to make £15 with no spend. You can find it here.

Do you court your referrals for TopCashBack or do you not worry about them? I’d be interested to hear your views. Let me know in the comments below 🙂



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