Stats! Stats! Stats! (Although missing one I’d be interested in.)
A big month due to a Mobile Phone contract renewal. I also managed to get a great offer on joining a casino. They paid £50.50 if you deposited/wagered £20. I managed to get my £20 back so got the full cash-back with no deduction. I blogged about it here.
- Purchases Automatically logged : 4
- Total Fee from Logged : £169.78
- Purchased Not Logged : 2
- Total Fee from Not Logged : £18.67
- Raised with Customer Care : 2
- Total Fee possible : £188.45
Due to the way TCB works, you get your fee but this can paid out MONTHS later so these values wont match up with the next section…except for 10p I earned on their travel treats promotion and I’m not going to claim that until I have more money to actually cash out.
- Total Payable in January : £49.02
- Total Paid in January : £48.92
Final stat for stat-fans is people who joined via my referal link.
- Clicked via Referral link : 17
- Clicked last month via Referral link : 16
- Total New Clickers via Referral link THIS month : 1
- Total Referrals Commenced This Month : 0
- Total Referrals Last month : 0
- Total New Referals This Month : 0