Virgin Red Rock Your World – Clues & Answers

Banner image for Rock Your World Virgin Red Competition

Virgin Red Rock Your World!

Virgin Red are back with another competition for September – Virgin Red Rock Your World! There are a number of prizes you can win by guessing the codes everyday. There are also bonus codes given out which can increase your points so keep an eye out for them on the Virgin Red twitter feed and facebook page. Check back here every day to find the latest Virgin Red Rock Your World Answers. You can also see the bonus codes I’ve found below!

Take Part


For an easy 50 points use my invite code IDTLD3 when you download the app.

Download from –

Apple App Store
Google Play Store

The Prizes

  • 70,000 Flying Club miles from Virgin Atlantic
  • £1,000 voucher with Virgin Holidays
  • 4 1st Class tickets from Virgin Trains & Virgin Trains East Coast
  • A year’s Subscription to Virgin Pure
  • A year’s fizz from Virgin Wines
  • A One Year Membership with Virgin Active
  • A Brand new Sim-free handset from Virgin Mobile
  • £250 worth of rock star experiences with Virgin Experience Days.
  • And Many More!


Day 1 = George
Bonus = Legend  – From Virgin Trains Email
Day 2 = Ed Sheeran
Bonus = ZZ Top – From Virgin Experience Days
Day 3 = Led Zeppelin
Bonus = Hot Tracks – From Virgin Trains
Day 4 = Bono
Bonus = The Who – From Virgin Wines
Day 5 = Mick Jagger
Day 6 = Inked
Bonus = Motley Crue – From Virgin Games
Day 7 = Blondie
Bonus = Records – From Virgin Experience Days
Bonus = Hendrix – From Virgin Trains East Coast
Day 8 = Kiss – From Virgin Red Facebook page
Bonus = Crowd Surf – From Virgin Pure Website
Bonus = Insideflyer – From Inside Flier Website
Bonus = Arctic Monkeys – From Virgin Active Facebook Page
Day 9 = (currently shows as the virgin active facebook clue above)
Bonus = Black Sabbath – From Virgin Pure Website
Bonus = Rock The House – From Virgin Experience Twitter
Day 10 = Coldplay
Day 11 = Rock On
Bonus = Welcome to the Jungle From Virgin East Coast Trains Facebook
Bonus = East Coast Rocks – From Virgin East Coast Trains email
Bonus = Wonderwall – From Virgin Pure Facebook Page
Day 12 = Punk Rock – From Virgin Games Facebook Page  (was originally a bonus as found on day 11 but appears to be the clue for day 12)
Bonus = Rocker – See the comments on this blog for the screenshot from the Virgin Media site 🙂
Bonus = Def Leppard – From Virgin Experience Facebook Page
Bonus = Kurt Cobain – From Virgin Media Twitter Page
Day 13 = Born To Be Wild – From the Virgin Red App. Watch the video and re-arrange the words.
Bonus = Iron Maiden – From the Virgin Games Twitter Feed
Bonus = My Sharona – From Virgin Red Twitter Feed – but may be a code for a later game?
Day 14 = Looks to currently be ‘Iron Maiden’ but I will keep checking and see if thats confirmed. They released this at 2am on the 13th so would be really poor show if they do use this code.
Day 15 = Bohemian Rhapsody – From Virgin Red Twitter Feed
Bonus = The Rolling Stones – From Virgin Active Facebook page
Day 16 = The Clash – From Virgin Entrepreneur Website
Day 17 = Billy Idol – From The Virgin Red App ‘This and That’ game last image.
Day 18 = Richard Branson – From the Virgin Twitter Feed
Bonus = Monday Morning – From the Virgin Red App – you can see it on the page that you enter the daily clue 🙂
Day 19 = Pop Goes The Weasel – From the Virgin Media Facebook Page
Bonus = Stacy’s Mom – From the Virgin Red Twitter Feed
Day 20 = Bowie – From the Virgin Experience Twitter Feed
Day 21 = Thirty Seconds to Mars – From the Virgin Red Facebook Page
Bonus = Iggy Pop – From the This & That section of the app.
Bonus = No Doubt – From the Virgin Red Facebook Page
Day 22 = Blink 182 – From the Virgin Startup Instagram Page
Bonus = The Boss – From the Virgin East Coast Twitter Feed
Day 23 = Annie Lennox – Google search the points it refers to and this is the correct answer.
Bonus = #vrrockyourworld – From Virgin Red Twitter page
Day 24 = Foo Fighters – From the Virgin Unite Web Page under Elders
Day 25 = Access All Areas – From the Virgin Wines Website
Bonus = Eye of the tiger – from Virgin Red Twitter Page
Bonus = Prince – From Virgin Games Facebook Page
Day 26 = Dazzled – From Virgin East Coast Website (link on the Virgin Red App)
Bonus = Journey – From Email sent by Virgin Red
Day 27 = Race for the prize – From Virgin DS Racing Twitter Page
Bonus = Amy Lee – From Virgin Red Twitter Page – 100pts
Day 28 = Amos – From the Virgin Red App Quiz
Bonus = The Smashing Pumpkins – From the Virgin Red Instagram Page – 100pts
Bonus = 228910 – From the carpark poker game from Virgin Games
Day 29 = Pearl Jam
Bonus = Cyndi Lauper – From Virgin Red Facebook Page – 50pts
Day 30 = Smells Like Teen Spirit – From Virgin Red Twitter Page
Bonus = The Final Countdown – From Virgin Red Facebook Page

Check back here tomorrow if you need help with the clue. If you are having any problems getting the right Virgin Red Rock Your World answers, let me know in the comments below and I will help out 🙂

The Reverend’s Tip

There are other ways to earn points including using my joining code above to earn an extra 50 points when you start! I will try to share any bonuses I find on this page however be careful just adding codes you find online as it may stop you from being elligble for their weekly competitions if you enter a code from week 3 during week 1.

The Reverend’s Tip #2


Sign up to Virgin Atlantic (it is free) and get 250 points a month for no effort! It takes only a minute and will increase you monthly points total by 250 points. Don’t forget to go into the app and enter you membership number to get the points.

The Reverend’s Tip #3

As advised by K H in my comments below, if you put a new profile picture up on the app you’ll get an extra 50 points. It looks like you can only do this once a month but it is an easy 50 points for this competition.

The Reverend’s Tip #4

Virgin Red have just told us that they will be doing some high-value points over lunch each day between now and the end of the challenge. Keep your eyes peeled and see whether you can make it to the VIP Area (I’m not there yet myself! – and they might not let in RiffRaff like me!)

The Reverend’s Tip #5

Here are some bonus codes and points I’ve found

Head Banger = 100pts
We Will Rock You = 50pts
See You Later Alligator = 100pts
Ozzy Osbourne = 100pts
Nirvana = 100pts
Janis Joplin = 250pts
Smells Like Teen Spirit = 250pts
Slipknot = 100pts
Sting = 100pts
Ramones = 100pts
T. Rex = 100pts
Blue Suede Shoes = 100pts
The Sex Pistols = 100pts
Virgin EMI Records = 100pts
Paint it Black = 100pts
RadioHead = 50pts
Elvis = 100pts
Grunge = 50pts
Queen = 50pts
Bon Jovi = 50pts
Groupies = 50pts
Bowling for Soup = 25pts
Kid Rock = 50pts
Amy Winehouse = 100pts
Under Pressure = 50pts
Bandmate = 50pts
Bandmates = 50pts
Star = 50pts
Pearl Jam = 250pts

Currently I can’t enter any more codes so unless this changes, I wont be able to get into the VIP vault before the event is up. Never Mind fixed that! 🙂 I hope I have helped other people 🙂



          1. That was a quicky and it looks like they’ve removed it already as the link is no longer active. I might try and added it to my app but I’ll not add it to the blog post as I’m trying to make sure I only add ones I’ve personally seen.


            The Reverend

          2. Based on the email from Virgin there have been a couple I’d missed. I’m in the VIP Vault now though!


            The Reverend

          3. Thank you so much for the blog – I have just got into the VIP vault. I’d thought I wasnt going to make it then found the bonus codes at the bottom! Cheers.

      1. There’s another one Robb Weir is worth a few points, it asked the name of the Tyler’s of pan tang guitarist who also works on board x

    1. Rock star was on virgin news letter
      Hot tracks was found on another news letter too

      Queen and Bon Jovi was guessed by others

      1. Thanks Shah,

        I am avoiding posting ‘any’ correct answer so to not stop people being elligble for the weekly competition. I will check out where Rock star & Hot Tracks came from and if they are ‘freebies’ from partner virgin sites, I will add them 🙂

        The Reverend

  1. RECORDS on Virgin Experience Days Twitter feed. Also HENDRIX on Virgin Trains EC Twitter feed. Finally, you spelled Zeppelin wrong for day 3. 🙂 Thanks for your help, Rev.

    1. Hi BT,

      Thanks for picking up the spelling, that was really bad of me!

      Let me go find the tweets and I’ll get them added to my list.


      The Reverend

    1. I’ve probably got a date/bonus mixed up somewhere. I will check to see if I can correct it. Thanks for letting me know 🙂

  2. On the Virgin Red app there’s a photo of Kurt Cobain. I entered this and got 50 points, oops might be disqualified

    1. Hi!

      There are lots of possible answers and plenty of people have suggested correct guesses. I’m trying to maintain a list of the correct answers to the daily questions AND any bonus answers they have given out. This way I will be able to take part in all the weekly challenges without issue.

      Hope this helps!

      The Reverend

    1. You can enter codes from previous weeks – it shouldn’t restrict your account. If you are interested in doing the weekly challenges then you should probably avoid guessing now as it may mean you are unable to submit a future answer because you’ve already entered it.


      The Reverend

    1. Hello,

      I think when you create your log-in it has an extra section that says ‘invite code’ or something like that.

      If you have already logged in then I think you’ve missed the screen.


      The Reverend

    1. Hello Steve,

      I’ve already got that one in my list on this blog post but thanks for letting me know.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Rob,

      Thanks for that – It has already been given in the list.

      Let me know if you find any others.


      The Reverend

    1. Hello Bec,

      I’m afraid so. There will be many people (including me) who are in the same boat. I will put a warning for future codes found later in the day that they may be the next day’s code.

      Its quite annoying but there is nothing that can be done about codes already entered. I’ve been trying to validate them as they come in and as long as they are ‘confirmed’ codes by Virgin, I’ve added them to the list in this blog.

      Now they are releasing them early, I will have to be careful and will only type them into my phone after I’ve checked the next day’s clue.

      A pain, but at least we now know.


      The Reverend

  3. Hi!
    So if the app is still saying ‘enter the code’ at the bottom of the rock your world page, does this mean there are still some codes I have not entered?

    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Sian,

      It probably means you entered today’s code, yesterday.

      You can see from the comment below that a few of us have done it with codes released at night which are actually for the following day.

      Some people don’t care about the daily challenges so they just guess at any answer it could be. That is not the way I’m doing this so my blog doesn’t include all possible answers tried.

      Hope this helps.

      The Reverend

    1. Thanks BT. I do worry this could actually be tomorrows code! 😀

      I will add it as a bonus for today.


      The Reverend

        1. I agree with that thought. I’m hoping they do the check on a weekk by week basis so it doesn’t matter when you submitted it, as long as it was that week.


          The Reverend

      1. Hi Reverend, I got it from another site although I don’t think it’s released yet. I included it as it’s worth 250pts. Maybe better to wait until it’s released though.

    1. Hi Mark,

      I’ve read elsewhere that limits to character lengths like this are usually as you are an older version of the app.

      Try updating and see if that helps.


      The Reverend

    1. I’m just sure if these are bonuses or future daily cluses.

      I don’t know if I will add these above or not.

      Thanks for sharing.

      The Reverend

    1. Hi Ian,

      I’m a bit hesitant with some of the answers people have found as some people are just typing names into the app and then are able to get the points now. The downside is that they then can’t take part in the weekly challenges (possibily) which reduces their chances of getting a prize.

      You’ll see I try to link to where the bonus answers can be found so that people can see they are legitimate bonuses rather than guesses. Sometimes these bonuses are actually the next day’s answer – it is a pain when this happens.

      I wasn’t aware any of the answers are time limited so that is new information to me.


      The Reverend

      1. They were given on twitter by VIRGIN RED to certain ones that tweeted. When I try them both they say the codes have expired. It seems unfair certain users are getting preferential treatment doesn’t make it a fair competition

        1. Thats a shame. I suppose there is no harm in asking but also I’m guessing that very few people will unlock the final vault.

          Unfair? I suppose it is. I’m not going to worry about it. Its a shame they have expired but I guess maybe they were one-time use codes?

          Probably only worth 25 point so not worth getting worked up over.


          The Reverend

    1. Thats a good one, KH.

      I think you can change your profile picture once a month to get an extra 50 points per month. Have you signed up for Virgin Airlines for the extra 250 points?


      The Reverend

  4. 50 Points to get you started with Virgin Red Rock Your World!
    I had a little chat with the good people at Virgin Red and they were kind enough to offer InsideFlyer readers an exclusive code to help everyone get started: INSIDEFLYER


    1. Hi Shane,

      I’ve already got that one in my list as a bonus.

      do let me know about any others you find.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Richard,

      Is that just a guess or is there a clue somewhere I can link to? I’m trying to not add guesses to my blogpost in case they are clues for future days.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Kevin,

      I think it was Iron Maiden but in a poor show from Virgin Red they released it 3am the day before!

      Not sure there is anything we can do about it. Hopefully they will just check you’ve entered the code ‘that week’.


      The Reverend

  5. Hiya. I’ve received extra points for sharing things using the share box on top right on pages. I think you can only do this 5 times a month. So I shared 5 different things with my other email address. Hope this helps.

    1. Hi Chris,

      That is a good one, I’ve not read that before. I will give it a go! What points did you get for each ‘share’?

      The Reverend

      1. Hiya.

        I think it’s only 25 points a share. I’ve only used what’s app and email shares. Different types may get extra points. I think I read that somewhere in the past. But I can’t say for sure as I haven’t tried all of them.



  6. I’m totally stumped with today’s clue hidden somewhere in the Future Visions page of, I cannot see it anywhere!

    1. Oops Ann replied just as I posted, thank you Ann! I think their page must have just refreshed. I’m clearly up too early!

  7. School’s out has changed to Billy Idol on this and that. Might need to be quick to enter it could be one that expires ☺️

  8. I had 25 points left on the 9th vault yesterday, I had used some of the bonus codes from your site over the last week, which has been helping me get the points. So yesterday after doing the ‘this or that’ to get my 25 points… I looked at the vaults & instead of rolling me on to the 10th vault it took away many of my points leaving me with 750 points remaining on the 9th vault … is virgin now doing this due to your blog… or…?

    1. Hi Major,

      All the bonus codes on my blog have been legitimate codes given out by virgin themselves. I have given links to them so people can see them.

      I don’t think Virgin would have removed legitimate points from anyone using them (everyone playing would have typed those codes). If they were to do anything then they might kick me out of the game, but they haven’t (nor have they contacted me from their official twitter account).

      If I had to guess, maybe you’ve tried entering codes by guessing bands/singers/etc and maybe Virgin has decided to not allow guessed answers.

      My recommendation would be message them via their support email and see if they can tell you what happened 🙂


      The Reverend

        1. Hi Nordia,

          I’ve tried to avoid posting people’s guesses as it can affect whether you can take part in the weekly game.


          The Reverend

    1. Hi Sarah,

      A few people have now mentioned this but I can’t find the link to it on the official Virgin media account. Do you have the link?


      The Reverend

  9. Today’s code is the ‘rockstar himself’, Richard Branson (virgin twitter).
    Bonus code from the app is Monday morning.
    🙂 🙂

    1. I can’t see the post on the twitter account confirming Richard Branson, do you have the direct link to the tweet?


      The Reverend

    1. Hi There,

      Have you a link to where you found this or was it a guess? If it was a guess then I wont add them to my blog post but people can try them if they want. It may affect their opportunities in the weekly challenges.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Philippa,

      Have you a link to where you found this or was it a guess? If it was a guess then I wont add them to my blog post but people can try them if they want. It may affect their opportunities in the weekly challenges.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Philippa,

      Some of them have already been answers and you can see them in my blog post. Do try the ones in my blog post if you’ve not had them before.


      The Reverend

      1. I’m not sure – I’ve already entered it. Are you spelling it correctly (Mom and not Mum)?


        The Reverend

    1. Hi Jon,

      I think that Queen was just a guess and as such you got lucky. It might be a clue for a later quiz.

      Good luck, we don’t have many days left!



      The Reverend

    1. Hey just to let you know Virgin Red tweeted to say no penalty for using a code early. They post early on the sites they own to make sure there are no errors when they’re officially live. Hope this helps allay any fears

      1. Hi Emma,

        There is no ‘penalty’ to using a code early (or guessing, as a lot of people are doing) however you may be inelligable to take part in the weekly competition as you may not enter the required 5 answers from that week when expected.


        The Reverend

    1. Hi Lindsay,

      It is possible but it wouldn’t be easy. You could just keep guessing answers and hope that you got to it.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi John,

      I’m trying to only add official ones to my blog post but no reason that other’s can’t use it if they are happy just getting the points.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Mark,

      I think that Anne (below) got it right with Annie Lennox. Not sure Sting sang ‘Walking on Broken Glass’ or was part of the Eurythmics.

      Perhaps Sting is just a bonus answer today.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Julie,

      I’m not posting guesses at the moment as they might become clues later on.

      Glad you are checking the blog page – hopefully it has helped you find some that you didn’t have before.


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Lisa,

      Just added this one myself.

      Hope you are nearing the final vault, I’ve still got 2 to go!


      The Reverend

      1. I’ve managed to unlock all of the vaults aside from the last one….still 7000 points to go
        Keep up the good work Reverend

        1. I’ve got about 200 points for the 2nd to last vault and then thousands to get the last one!

          Who knows? We’ll see what tomorrow brings!


          The Reverend

  10. As this is the final week. I have super boosted my points today by adding all those ‘pure guesses’ that people have submitted during the month. A couple came up as expired but now only 800 away from VIP vault. Thanks and good luck to all.

    1. Hi Jonathan,

      Thats my plan – but I will do it when I’ve got the final clue for this week’s task so there is nothing to lose by risking it.


      The Reverend

  11. To all you guys waiting until the last few days to enter all the guesses, you may want to read this tweet from Virgin Red about guesses …

        1. Hi Paul,

          I don’t know about you but it didn’t work for the first 15 minutes! I tried allsorts! Eventually it worked ok.


          The Reverend

          1. It didn’t for me, but they have had occasional issues over the month so I knew they’d get round to fixing it.


            The Reverend

    1. Hi Lex,

      Well spotted – I’d quickly glanced the email and not noticed that. Some great extra points there!


      The Reverend

  12. Extra bonus points from Virgin Red email today – ‘Journey’. Letters were highlighted in red throughout the email. =)

  13. Today’s clue is RACE FOR THE PRIZE. but annoyingly when I enter it the app says I’ve already used it. I know I haven’t! Grrr.

    1. Hi Clive,

      I’ve used it myself this morning so I know it works. There was a lot of problems with yesterday’s bonus code too. have you tried closeing the app completely and trying it again?


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Xavier,

      Interesting email address you’ve got there 😉

      Where did you find Radiohead? Do you have a link to it anywhere?


      The Reverend

  14. In your bonus list (Tip 5), some of the points have changed – but “Smells like a Teen” should be “Smells like Teen Spirit” and that still works (250!).

    1. Hi Dave,

      I just can’t get it to work! Must be ‘Computer User Non-Technical’ problems! 😀 Glad it worked for you though.


      The Reverend

  15. Woopwoop, unlocked the final vault!!! Happy happy. Thanks for all the clues and tips. I badically used everything on here and a massive amount of guessing which has gotten me lots of extra points. Good luck everyone xox

    1. Hi Gina,

      You’ll get there – with a few more days to go I’m sure you’ll hit that 575 points.


      The Reverend

  16. I’ve even deleted the app and reinstalled, still won’t let me enter race for the prize. Say I’ve used it before, my guessing isn’t that good!

  17. I’ve even deleted the app and reinstalled, still won’t let me enter race for etc. Say I’ve used it before, my guessing isn’t that good!

      1. I got there yesterday too, no point in guessing now as it’s just a case to wait and see how lucky we all are. Nothing last month but got the sunglasses in July ( and a ice cream voucher but no stockists near me – dm
        me if you want it) Think there will be many more in VIP vault this month unless they do DQ people.

  18. Hey guys, check the emails from your Virgin group subscriptions as well. I found ‘Head Banger’ in my Virgin Active email today. =)

  19. Hey The Reverend,

    Thank you for this page. No doubt virgin may not approve but I have enjoyed the chase of the game. It is my first time doing this with Virgin despite being with them for years.

    I hope I can get through to the VIP Vault.

    Only 325 points to go LOL

    1. Hi Fatima,

      Who knows what Virgin will do? I guess I’m blocked from winning anything but its nice to know I’ve managed to help people progress. You will easily meet that 325 points from the last couple of days, I’m sure of it.


      The Reverend

  20. Guys & Girls it’s been a pleasure! The Reverend you are a star. Just hit the VIP vault with all the extra guesses/bonuses. Good luck everyone.

  21. Just opened my last vault, thanks to all for adding your finds. Good luck to everyone, and reverend, I came across your site by accident but you’re bookmarked now! Thank you so much.

  22. Hi Rev,

    Thank you for all your help, only recently discovered this and am a bit obsessed. Got a bit bored and tried some guesses which don’t show in the comments so far, giving back like everyone else:
    Nirvana 100 points
    Ramones 100 points
    The White Stripes 50 points
    Eagles 50 points
    Freddie Mercury 50 points
    Slipknot 100 points
    Hope that gets you to VIP – still a few to go for me

    1. Hi Jos,

      Some great answers there – I’ve added a few of them to my “Reverend’s tip #5” (which is very different to Mambo Number 5).


      The Reverend

    1. Hi Archie,

      Cos I neeeeeeeeeed, your love so bad.

      Excellent work there for Fleetwood Mac. I hope you’ve got to the final vault.


      The Reverend


    Something big is going down on the Virgin Games Facebook page today – Vlad’s planned a larger-than-life game of Poker… in a car park. What’s more, there’s a £5,000 cash prize and 30 £100 Virgin Gift cards to win!

    Tune into Virgin Games on Facebook Live between 12.30pm and 2pm for your chance to win.

    Watch closely too, because there’s a bonus Rock Your World code that’ll be revealed. The code will be made up of the playing card numbers, lowest to highest. Once you’ve got the code, enter it on the Rock Your World tab in your Virgin Red app.

    I’ve watched the video, couldn’t get audio, and the only card I can see is the king of hearts but I can’t work the code out – anybody managed it and willing to share?

  24. Finally managed to open the VIP Vault thanks to all of you lovely people helping with points & thanks to The Reverend for making it all available.

    Fingers crossed & good luck everyone!

    1. Hi Dave,

      Always the danger with guessing answers. Especially some of the big points answers.


      The Reverend

  25. Hi Rev and everyone, just got into the VIP vault, thanks to this fab site! Thanks for all your help, good luck everybody

    1. Hi Diane,

      Glad you got into the VIP Vault. Its excellent to hear when people do. Good luck to you, hope you win one of the prizes!


      The Reverend

  26. I was hoping the last code would be a new one but ‘smells like teen spirit’ was discovered yesterday, hopefully the bonus code will be completely new.

  27. AXL ROSE and KEITH RICHARDS were guesses which got me points. Thanks for your time on this Reverend, couldn’t have done it without you!

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