Hip-Hop Saved My Life Podcast
This is a podcast for people who love Hip-Hop. I got into it when I saw it on the list of top podcasts on the Apple podcast app as I liked the host and I also have an interest in what I’d say is ‘classic’ hip-hop (rather than the newer stuff). Its not really about saving your life! There are currently two series – the first series took ages to come out but the second series has been knocked out on a regular basis.
Who is ‘Hip-Hop Saved My Life’?
Hip-Hop Saved My Life is a podcast with Romesh Ranganathan and Ru-Maj (Rupert Majendie). Each episode they have a guest who comes on to discuss hip-hop. The guests are mainly comedians but there is the occasional musician or person from TV. What is great is that not everyone is a Hip Hop-loving purist and the pair help bring the conversation along.
Whats is all about?
Hip-Hop! Obviously! It isn’t just a experts guide to Hip-Hop (although Romesh does have a great and details knowledge of Hip-Hop), its a discussion between two or three people with Hip-Hop being the common thread as the conversation progresses. There are two series so far and they have had a good mix of guests ranging from comedians who don’t know anything about Hip-Hop, to tv personalities who talk about how music was their life growing up.
Guests have included Example, Frankie Boyle, Sara Pascoe, and DJ Yoda.
One of the great things about this podcast is that there are short clips of the songs they talk about. They also give the name of the artists and the name of the song so you can check it out if it sounds like your kind of thing.
What are other people saying about Hip-Hop Saved My Life?
Hip-Hop Saved My Life was nominated for Podcast of the Year 2018. The Guardian has an article about the podcast.
How Can you find it?
Find it on iTunes.
Find it on the ACast.
*Header Image Copyright of Patrick Breitenbach