April 2016 – Stats for the Stat Fans!
- Total Click : 93
- Total Orders : 2
- Total Dispatched : 2
- Dispatched Revenue : £48.68
- Fees: £2.43
Low fees this month – slightly better than last month though
My daily trends looks like this;-
My conversion rate continues to fall to 2.15%. This is a stat that is always going to be mixed bag as it shows great reach from the clicks but then poor purchase volume.
The purchase volume was low so my fee was low. I’d definitely prefer it to be high and high!
The unique visitors remained pretty much the same at 93 this month. Very happy with that – I just need to convert them into sales. and is to be expected due to the site being quiet. Looking at the £ per Unique Visitor it looks like I wont be retiring any time soon!
£2.43 / 93 = £0.026p per Unique Visitor
Double last months but going from 1.3p to 2.6p per unique visitor isn’t going to see me retiring and eating a croissant on a balcony.
No payout this month (as expected) but lets see if next month sees a higher conversion rate to improve my amazon fees.