The Reverend – April 2016

4 Month update time!

This covers April 1st until April 30th.

  • Total Users : 131+
  • Total Sessions : 208-
  • Page Views : 512-
  • New Visitor/Returning Visitor : 50% / 50% -> New visitors tend to read just over 2 pages (average is 2.04+) however returning visitors read nearly 3 pages (average is 2.88+)
  • % that spent over 1 minute on the site : 25% =/=
  • Sessions that found the site by Searching : 35+

April was a low content month but the numbers showed a mixed bag. We saw more total users but less sessions, less page views but more pages read. The same % spent over 1 minutes on the site but we saw a huge improvement on the number of sessions that came about from organic searches.
